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Falling through floor in a new CK home


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I'm working on a player home and I added a deck. I can't walk on it as I always fall through it.

I can post pics, and I've included one, but has anyone had this problem?


The 2 pieces are RTPlayerHouseDeck and the RTCanalsStairs01. This way you can load these and try them.


It's a weird feeling to run to the top of your newly created deck and drift down to the lower level. I can omit these 2 pieces but if there's a fix, or someone else has an answer, I'd rather do it correctly.


Thanks for any and all help.

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If you're thinking of using pieces which usually have no collision on them, try looking into creation a collision box.

In the CK, to the top right corner of the screen, there is a button to enable collision box creation.
Once you click it, a marker should appear, then you can stretch it as you like creating whatever collision you want.
These are called primitives.

Checkout the CK wiki for more info:


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Thank you both for the replies.

I got to the bottom of this. It seems that the culprit was not the RTPlayerHouseDeck, but RTMjollDeck01 and 02.

The RTCanalsStairs01 only have the issue at the very top step so I won't be using either.


@lennykrapitz, thank for the link. it's ok for the top deck but I'd rather not have to use it on the steps. I added the link to my favorites. I can use that for a trigger. :)

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