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Unimpressive Startout


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Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.

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Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.


Yeah Goodsprings just relied on being nostalgic enough to Redding from Fallout 2. Glad you stuck with it though, the game does get much better characterized and grey. You probably get what I mean by grey now that you got to the NCRCF as they were slaves and only raid to survive. As you go on you will find NCR aren't as good as you thought and Ceasar's Legion not as bad as you thought. Give it some time and it has amazing writing, dialogue, characters, and atmosphere. I like it much better than Fallout 3. I dun wanna spoil to much, but keep playing, you'll like it.

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Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.


I like reading your posts as they are detailed and can tell you put a little thought in your ideas. Keep us in touch how the game continues to evolve for you. That is what this messageboard is all about.


I do agree with your earlier post FNV definitely lacks the oompf in the beginning like Falout 3 did but the storyline does get interesting as you progress further into the game.

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Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.


Yeah Goodsprings just relied on being nostalgic enough to Redding from Fallout 2. Glad you stuck with it though, the game does get much better characterized and grey. You probably get what I mean by grey now that you got to the NCRCF as they were slaves and only raid to survive. As you go on you will find NCR aren't as good as you thought and Ceasar's Legion not as bad as you thought. Give it some time and it has amazing writing, dialogue, characters, and atmosphere. I like it much better than Fallout 3. I dun wanna spoil to much, but keep playing, you'll like it.


I already dislike the NCR. At heart i am an anarchist, but in the TRUE sense of the word, not as it is associated with chaos, totral disorder or even violence. I could side with the powder gangers if they would've left it at just taking over, not murdering everybody and hitting innocent caravans. Perhaps i will do the NCR some good but only as far as it doesn't empower them to much. They certainly won't get Primm from me. I rather have a lunatic sheriff there, even if i know this guy means trouble in it's own right (if not someone should make a mod, informing me (the player) of a bad decision and having to find a solution. Yeah, i might even write such a quest, i am just no modder, but i could outline quests and dialogues.

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For me I was a little sad in leaving Goodsprings. I was hoping for an additional quest or two. I feel that a home should have been established there as well, as an option. Something that is easily modded, but it would have been nice in the initial game. That could keep you going back.


Wow! NOTHING to do with the topic but I was just amazed how much a coincidence your name is with NV!

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