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Where does your character live

Hunter Killer

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Utterly homeless. A wandering vagabond. If I can't carry it, I drop it. There are so many weapons lying about the wilds of Morrowind that I worry for the kiddies. :blink:
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Same here, my religious friend. The street is my garden, the plains, my palace... Ok, so obviously i'm waiting for a stronghold, but who isnt?


P.S: Did anyone else notice that Peregrine sounded really Fountain of All Knowledge in that last post? :D Go for it, its usually Marxist that gets all those.

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P.S: Did anyone else notice that Peregrine sounded really Fountain of All Knowledge in that last post?  Go for it, its usually Marxist that gets all those


Indeed. I have Casius's house (the blades bloke) in Balmora after he vacated that, before that I had Dur-bag-zol's (sp) house in Balmora and before that I just left stuff lying in the street in Balmora

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without mods I lived in Caldera which IMO is the best town out there. Now I have a stronghold, telvanni, being built but it's taking ForEvEr. So I built myself a pretty little home just outside of Caldera a little ways back from the road. It has a swimming hole, garden, etc all the goodies of a true home.



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