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Sword Mod Request


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since I didn't know what to write to search this sword, I tried a few words but couldn't find it anyway.


I want a sword which gets stronger by killing people or creatures. something like dawnfang but limitless version of it. So I want a sword which gets stronger eternally. and I don't want a charge problem, it would be best if its enchantment was eternal too.


do you know that kind of a sword?

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Hmm, perhaps a modification of the dawnfang script, edited so as to not be limited. I'll look into this.


dont misunderstand me, I dont want a modification of dawnfang. dawnfang sucks. I want a new sword with SIMILAR PROPERTIES of dawnfag. which does get improves unlimitedly. a cool custom sword model and stuff. I don't care if it's one or two handed, but it would be best if it isn't shortsword.


it may have enchantment but the most important thing, I don't want that enchantment to improve. or it should improve a little though. I want the sword's self attack power to increase with each kill. and maybe for every 10th or 20th kill, a new unique deadly enchantment should be added to the sword.


and dont forget the unlimited enchantment though. I am sick of recharging them.

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Bumping is not allowed on this site. Thread closed. You may want to read the forum rules before making another thread. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/2881-all-newbies-read-this-before-posting/


As for your request, you might want to try http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16207


It's the closest you'll get since god weapons can get kinda lame and high damage weapons have some bad side effects (breaking after 1 hit).


- Vagrant0

Edited by Vagrant0
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