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Pre War Books


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Dear Merchant Librarian,



So far in my extensive travels of the Mojave, and with the abundance of Pre-war books laying everywhere I have yet to find anyone that will take them as currency. II would like to put out an idea for the Modders out there to create a Library Mod ("One Thousand Words") that will add a building operated by a NPC named Eli. This NPC is on a personnal quest to retrive a certain book and sends the player on a simalar quest from FO3 to find and bring any Pre-War books that might be found in hopes that one will be The One Book.


Eli can give out non critical location map markers to the player for directions on where to look for The One Book.


The quest reward for handing The One Book to Eli could be unique set of items such as Eyes of the Blind (Goggles +1 Preception & Constant CatEye effect) , Shadow Splitter (Machete, +1 to Perception & +15 Melee), Pathwalker(Sherif\ Bounty Hunter Duster, DT 5 - Light Armor 8 +5 Guns, +5 Melee), Eli's Voice (Sawed Off Shotgun, Shoots Both Barrels at Once, Very Loud Boom SFX) Eli's Will (9mm Pistol, Reduced AP Cost & 3 Round Burst)


The One Book could be made as a Skill Book that increases Survial, Speech, and Barter by +10 permantly with a negative Karma penalty if used.


I am not at all skilled with mod making, so I hope this might cause a stir of creation in some of your talented Modders.

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Does anyone know if the Pre-War Books have any special value at any location or to any character in FO:NV?

I'm convinced that all the pre-war books in Doc Mitchell's house are a joke on players who played Fallout 3. They'll see all those pre-war books laying around and go into fits thinking "oooh, free money, must collect them all! nom nom nom".


(Only for them to find out later that they aren't special and aren't used for anything. At which point the Obsidian dev who put them there is probably quietly snickering.)

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Does anyone know if the Pre-War Books have any special value at any location or to any character in FO:NV?

I'm convinced that all the pre-war books in Doc Mitchell's house are a joke on players who played Fallout 3. They'll see all those pre-war books laying around and go into fits thinking "oooh, free money, must collect them all! nom nom nom".


(Only for them to find out later that they aren't special and aren't used for anything. At which point the Obsidian dev who put them there is probably quietly snickering.)


HAHAHAHAHAA!!! I agree 100%

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i think the temp skill books should give a permanent +1 to skill and the +9 or +10 temp effect, just cause it seems kinda odd that you read a book and get + 10 out of it for a minute or two but retain nothing past that. like you got amnesia 2 minutes after reading it.


other than that maybe someone can add a quest for pre wars books, say some geeky librarian or the followers of the apocalypse hand in x amt of books for caps and rep or items maybe take your pick of the lot. should take a good amount of books to turn in, considering that pre war books are plentiful.


speaking of the followers how do you get a key to their safehouse? is that quest bugged. i am exhaulted or whatever with the followers, and that girl you meet on the nv strip mentions finding her at the mormon camp later but she never leaves the strip. kinda assume there is supposed to be more to the whole followers thing but there is a broken script somewhere or it is future dlc so hard to tell these days what is broken and what they are going to charge you for down the line.


bit of a ramble i know but curious.

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Dear Merchant Librarian,



So far in my extensive travels of the Mojave, and with the abundance of Pre-war books laying everywhere I have yet to find anyone that will take them as currency. II would like to put out an idea for the Modders out there to create a Library Mod ("One Thousand Words") that will add a building operated by a NPC named Eli. This NPC is on a personnal quest to retrive a certain book and sends the player on a simalar quest from FO3 to find and bring any Pre-War books that might be found in hopes that one will be The One Book.


Eli can give out non critical location map markers to the player for directions on where to look for The One Book.


The quest reward for handing The One Book to Eli could be unique set of items such as Eyes of the Blind (Goggles +1 Preception & Constant CatEye effect) , Shadow Splitter (Machete, +1 to Perception & +15 Melee), Pathwalker(Sherif\ Bounty Hunter Duster, DT 5 - Light Armor 8 +5 Guns, +5 Melee), Eli's Voice (Sawed Off Shotgun, Shoots Both Barrels at Once, Very Loud Boom SFX) Eli's Will (9mm Pistol, Reduced AP Cost & 3 Round Burst)


The One Book could be made as a Skill Book that increases Survial, Speech, and Barter by +10 permantly with a negative Karma penalty if used.


I am not at all skilled with mod making, so I hope this might cause a stir of creation in some of your talented Modders.


Why not just say you want a mod that will add the concept of The Book of Eli movie to the game .... *sigh* .. someone thinks way too highly of that movie. And why is the book '' The One Book '' ... you meant Bible of course. If such idea was implemented however, I would find it more believable and enjoyable if the player was actually Eli, meaning the quest would be given you automatically when the game is loaded .. perhaps could use the concept of where Eli is heading West ( was it west ? ) in the quest ... no map markers or anything, so it would be pretty vague and harder to do the quest.


Though .. unless you find a mod maker that has seen the movie and liked it, this probably won't happen. And to find such person seems unlikely ..

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Does anyone know if the Pre-War Books have any special value at any location or to any character in FO:NV?

I'm convinced that all the pre-war books in Doc Mitchell's house are a joke on players who played Fallout 3. They'll see all those pre-war books laying around and go into fits thinking "oooh, free money, must collect them all! nom nom nom".


(Only for them to find out later that they aren't special and aren't used for anything. At which point the Obsidian dev who put them there is probably quietly snickering.)


Its not just the books that are a joke. Its the entire salvage system.


There doesn't appear to be any recipes for makeshift weaponry like Railguns, Nuka-Cola Grenades or whathaveyou in Fallout New Vegas. At about halfway through the game I stopped bothering to collect scrap metal, scrap electronics, wonderglue, duct tape, vacuum cleaners etc because there's almost nothing you can do with them. :(

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