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Your funniest random gaming moments.


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The more realistic games get, the more they inherit real life's wonderful ability to cause spontaneus havoc compeltely out of know where.


And that havoc is also becoming more lifelike, gone are the days when a funny gaming moment simply consisted of you forgeting your password, yelling DERP! as you remembered it, and then telling your friends ta the next basement party. Nowadays with groups like Red Vs Blue pushing the boundaries of gaming mayhem, and enough random factors for hilarity to ensue at any moment, the hilarious moments have advanced almost as much as the games they happen in.


But what are some of your best moments? Anything goes here-obey the rules, but by all means, post what you like and take whatever time you need to explain it.


For me, my most recent was when I playtested Formula One 2010. On the whole this game left me both downhearted and badly dispointed-I'd been looking forward to it since it was announced, but unlike Codemaster's recent triumph DiRT 2, it's unrewarding, dull, devoid of emotion, and has ridiculous expectations of the player that simply cant be met.


I only had one moment in my week with the game that I actualy enjoyed it, however,t hat one random moment was really funny.


This year's championship leader for a very long time was Australian driver Mark Webber, Webber, an old hand of motorsport, but who has failed to win a world title due to a series of underperforming cars, however early in the year had a spectacular crash with his impulsive, and many would say, idiotic/psychotic team mate, Sebastien Vettel.


The track was Istanbul, and along one of the main straights, completely out of nowhere, and for no reason, Vettel simply steered into Webber, and ruined both their chances of a win, destroying two ridiculously expensive cars in the process and handing a dominant win to their nearest rival, That's how it turned out in reality, but in game, Webber didnt get nailed by Vettel and seemed on track to win.


But on the very last corner with mere metres between him and a history rewriting win, he spun off, hit the wall, and obliterated he car. Can you say... FOILED?!?!?!!! hehehehahahahaha! Doubly funny since I won instead of him in the ridiculously, unrealisticaly weak car that the game forces you to drive for the first 88 hours. The uhh, ridiculosuly weak car that's SUPPOSED to be incapable of winning.

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Aww yeah. Here we go. I have had way too many of these.


Let's see. This video just about sums up the ridiculous of my Smash Bros. Melee experience back when I played competitively with friends...just absolutely mindless fighting WHERE DEATH DOESN'T MATTER. And lots and lots of fails and suicides.



Played Just Cause 2 extensively (never played the first one,) and lots of crazy stuff happens. Like this.




And far too many in Halo. Trash compactor...Jenga...bumper cars all those crazy community game variants that just involve fun and nothing else. I love those. Hilarious. I remember one time I was driving a warthog and an invisible dude hopped on the back. I drove off a cliff lol.

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WarHammer is a very serious game.


Ofcourse that depends on what faction you're playing as, but as a big Dark Angels fan(yes, DA's. Greener and meaner than any Ork) that's doubled since they never seem to find anything remotely funny. Hell, I cant tell since they all wear Astartes Errant helmets, but I'd swear they're geneticaly modified to be unable to comprehend humor.


However, while Azrael' s green armoured legion are almost as famous for being cheerless as they are for their combat superiority, that doesnt mean they dont have goofs.


The Scout-Marine is the lowest ranking member of the legendary Imperial Space Marines. All Space Maines are geneticaly and cyberneticaly augmented to the maximum possible, each an invincible 8 foot tall behemoth, encased in invincible armour, wielding the most powerful weapons. Unshakably loyal, unendingly determined, as strong as a bear, as cunning as a wolf, and as stealthy as a panther. They're also prone to random gags with grenades.


In this one game online in Dawn Of War II, my enemy had been mouthy off constantly, saying "ohh, my army will totaly wtfpwn your army" "Dark Angels are geneticaly gay" ect. ect. So I got a bit cross. I built the unit cap's worth of ScoutMarines. These are small squads of powerful, mobile infantry, they strongly resemble a Starcraft Ghost or Specter in stats. They kick ass against infantry at mid range, are durable, fast, and can turn invisible for short periods, and throw hyper lethal HellGrenades.


So I snuck my swarm of Scouts into the loudmouth's base, found he'd gone to the Unit Cap on Sluggaz, the WH40k equivalent of Zerglings, fairly fragile, cheap orkish grunts with strong melee attacks but who's guns cant penetrate Scout armour. i snuck right up to him, and then threw all my grenades at once. It was truly hilarious.


One minute he was mouthing off liek he couldnt lose, the next, grenades in vast numbers rained down amongst his Orkz. The BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM sound of over twenty hyper powerful grenades going off in his army made me laugh out loud, one of the scout's english accented "all target purged with extreme prejudice, returning to patrol pattern theta" made me laugh harder, but when he called me something I cant repeat, quit, and boosted my stats enormously, I all bu8t fell out of my chair.

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My funniest moment took me 2 days to realize what had happened.


Was playing Morrowind for the first time and in exploring this fantastic new world running around going ooh aaah at what I was seeing .Came across a crypt and in I went ,well there were these guys in it and they attacked me and killed me but instead of the load save screen coming up it went black then poof I was awake again.But now those guys were just standing around ,so figured hey you attacked me I'll attack you ,cept they didn't fight back ,now thats odd I thought but oh well at least I got all their loot.So kept going about exploring and looting ,eventually had to return to town to sell stuff.Got to town and people were acting all weird to me ,some wouldn't talk to me ,some ran away ,some told me to leave ,and all of them none to friendly.Anyway after much head scratchin concluded that I musta triggered some faction altering quest that put me on the side of the bad guys ,so for the next 4 hours went over all my active and completed quests and talked to everyone again to see if I missed something ,which didn't help cause they were all acting weird too ,anyway it was late at night so figured go to sleep and try to figure this out tomorrow.Next day continue on hours later bout 4 - 5 was super frustrated that nothing I was doing seemed to resolve why people were acting so weird .Decided maybe if I level up and go to sleep it will resolve itself ,so kill for awhile get xp then head to Balmora mage guild to sleep and level up.So next morning wakey wakey go see if they will talk normal now ,next thing I know all he - w - l is breaking loose , lightning bolts , fireballs all coming my way "Oh my god these mages have gone insane " I thought, better go tell the town guards .What now you guys are all screaming kill me too "What is freakin going on with this game".At this point as I'm running through Balmora for my life I noticed my hands were starting to smoke and I stopped and went "Huh" whats up with this ,just tthen as I was looking at my hands I burst into in flames and it hit me, those guys in that stupid crypt were vampires ,they turned me into a vampire that's why people were acting all weird on me.


Lost 3 entire game playing days over that but laughed for weeks.

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I don't recall that many funny moments, but I had one recently when I was playing Borderlands with my friend.


We were hunting Mel Patrols in Dahl Headlands and I crashed straight into one. The crash sent the car high into the air, and it lasted 4 or 5 seconds for us to land. My friend was on the gunner seat and he said it looked really weird how he suddenly couldn't see anything else than Pandora's sky.


I got an achievement out of it, just can't remember what it was.

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I positioned a cannon unit near a building in medieval 2 total war, and somehow the cannon kept shooting in that building instead of straight ahead. So essentially the cannon was blowing its handlers up by shooting in the building it was near xD. Them cannon boys were flying like crazy left and right I Pmsl'd for about an hour.
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I have a huge thing for any sort of motorsport.


I follow World Rally, Formula One, Grand-Am, ALM-ONE, Desert racing, Baja, NASCAR, BTCC, P/D/R and Universe GT(well I will when the first series starts next year, DAMN that's gonna be awesome!)


And I play all of those in game format too. And normaly Im pretty good at them. In DiRt 2 for example, I have 11 times in the world top ten. That makes me an exceptionaly fast driver. If you give me the car that can do the lap time, I can do the lap time. Period. It does not however make me a... good... driver however.


Just today in Halo Reach, my good playing friends found that out first hand. I had accomplished a near miraculous carjack of an enemy Revenent light assault tank. This two-person open top hovercraft is fast, agile, looks awesome, is red and exceptionaly good again infantry due to it's mix for a powerful Concusion Rifle turret, a well armoured from ramming Targe, and a huge engine thruster to turn those ramraids into lethal steel tsunamis.


But normaly people who know me happily get into vehicles with me as the driver in many a game, knowing my top echelon status across many autosport games. However usualy they get straight out again because I in actual fact drive like one of the Duke's 'o Hazard. It was for this reason that my first action in command of the stolen enemy war machine was to jump it one hundred metres over the frigid Szurdok bay, run over a pack of enemy Ungouy aliens getting out of a transport lander, and smash head on into a Ghost scout vehicle at the considerable full speed of both vehicles, denting the Rev and turnign the Ghost into molten slag.


At which point my passenger simply got out and said "never again".

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