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Reload animation bug


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Occasionally when reloading certain weapons (the .357 revolver and cowboy repeater mostly) while moving the animation sort of hangs at the final part (closing the cylinder for the revolver, cocking the lever for the repeater) when in third person view it appears as though the character is frozen mid-step. Strafing left or right normally causes it to finish but during the animation hang it keeps me from doing anything can't enter VATS, can't aim down the sights, can't even fire the weapon. Anyone else experience this / any way to fix it?
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Also experiencing this, and i'm getting the feeling there's not a damn thing we can do about it other than open each weapon in the geck and use a different reload animation; one that probably wouldn't match at all with the weapon involved. My favorite weapon is the lever-action shotgun and the thing is damn near unusable because of this bug. Driving be berserk.
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