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Character Stats reset/rollback?

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I hear using "showracemenu" can do things like that.


Right, but I'm fairly certain that in New Vegas that hasn't ever reset my stats before...and I think that only happens in Skyrim when you change race or sex. If you just change basic features like skin tone and hair style, I think it leaves everything alone.


I've been wrong before though....quite a few times.

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Not that big of a problem though if it were to happen, it's easily remedied through the console.

Just open your console and type:

player.setAV "(skill)" "(skill level)"

To get your gun skill back to 75:
player.setAV "Guns" "75"

Now if it happens again despite you doing this, then you have cause to worry.


But no, it has never happened to me in FNV... Happens in Skyrim though.

Edited by SiniVII
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