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I'm working on an extreme scarcity/difficulty mod - ideas needed


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Hello, I've very recently gotten into modding. I was inspired to do so after having a lot of great, difficult mods installed (Project Nevada, Hardened, A World of Pain, lots of realism mods) but still being disappointed in how easy the game was. There are plenty of mods that make combat/exploration difficult yet rewarding, however, there's no mod that pushes the economy of the game to where it can actually be considered HARSH. (imo).

Result being, no matter what mod you download or options you use, at some point you'll have probably hundreds of stimpacks, thousands of ammo, tons of weapons and gear, etc.

I wanted to create a mod that made this no longer possible. Also I wanted to make death from starvation, dehydration and radiation very real possibilities.

On the other hand I didn't want to increase micromanagement too much, if anything I wanted to decrease it... this is because of experiences with certain mods like Arwens Realism which were very hard but involved memorizing and mastering lots of new systems which each felt kind of tedious.

Long story short, so far I have the following features implemented:

-Can't sell items to merchants.

-Can't repair armor/weapons: instead, their condition never decreases. You can burn caps to repair a desired weapon/armor at a vendor once, then you no longer need to do so.

-You will never find caps, ammo, aid, chems, h20, food, books, weapons or armor lying around or in an unlocked container. The world is very barren, like everything has been looted, except for locked


-NPCs, robots, creatures will 90% of the time have nothing on them when you try to steal/loot except whatever they had equipped. Survival, repair skill and luck can slightly increase the chance of getting

items in this way.

-You can only harvest plants once per game.

-You cannot craft items. (Temporary solution until I figure out how to make it so crafting doesn't solve all your problems with scarcity).

-Compatibility with Project Nevada, Realistic Battle and Dynamic Combat

Consequences of the above:

- No 'grinding': You cannot repeat certain actions over and over and get easy loot, build up a stash, etc... The only way to really get decent money/loot is to complete quests, or find locked containers which are limited in number and hard to get to.

- No repetition. You won't be stopping every .5 seconds to press E to loot something, because there's no loot lying around to begin with. You don't need to travel back and forth ferrying items to sell or craft with them, because you can't sell or craft.

- Extreme difficulty. If you waste too much time wandering around, hit too many radiated areas, or get pulled into useless fights, you WILL run out of ammo/consumables/rad-away and you WILL DIE.

I'm currently working towards getting a version up worthy of release, however, I still feel like I need more ideas. I want to make a mod for veteran Fallout players that feels truly harsh and difficult, without doing dumb stuff like making NPCs into walking tanks, or making the player die in one hit... I'd love to get input from other people. What kind of features would you want to see in a mod like this?

I'm especially looking for advice about crafting, I want to avoid a situation where the player easily profits from running around the wastes, collecting every single item and then going to a workbench for tons easy of XP + valuable items. However I can't think of a way to do this without removing 99% of misc items from the game (which would make game areas look VERY barren and kind of ugly).

Also if anyone would like to help test, I can post an alpha version someplace.

Edited by danbngo
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I would like all containers to be empty, including bodies, so that you never had to see the loot menu again. Maybe dropped items have differing value and condition based on your luck or just randomize it. When you find a good condition weapon you should say,"YES!!!". Make it so that you really NEED doctors when you're hurt or irradiated. Eliminate crafting altogether.


I'm not sure how you would balance something like that. Maybe completed quests could actually have worthwhile rewards?

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I would like all containers to be empty, including bodies, so that you never had to see the loot menu again. Maybe dropped items have differing value and condition based on your luck or just randomize it. When you find a good condition weapon you should say,"YES!!!". Make it so that you really NEED doctors when you're hurt or irradiated. Eliminate crafting altogether.


I'm not sure how you would balance something like that. Maybe completed quests could actually have worthwhile rewards?


That's really interesting. If I could find a suitable method I could disable all containers and corpses so they cant even be looted, perhaps.


I think the game already randomizes item condition. AFAIK there's no way to change a specific item's value, you can only adjust all items of that type afaik.


The doctors being NECESSARY is a great idea. I think a combination of... crippled limbs can't be healed by the PC, and rads don't diminish over time, would do the trick. To be really brutal I could make resting not recover HP. :O


Eliminate crafting is something I'm on the borderline about. It's great that another person likes the idea. At the same time it's a huge step. And I'd need something to make workbenches, reloading stations, not completely worthless. Maybe each one provides a one-time, small amount of items/ammo...


I might need to up quest rewards. Right now I'm still playtesting. The balance I'm looking for is I want the player to still be able to explore without having to RUSH from quest to quest. But at the same time I do want players to feel like they're on a clock, watching their food, water, ammo slowly diminish (instead of constantly increasing like vanilla).

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Keep some things in mind:

-People do heal over time IRL. Quite quickly actually. Small cuts and scrapes that result in blood loss measured in ml scab up in 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on other factors. Don't get of rid of healing over time. Establish thresholds like with the next point.

-People heal when they sleep too. The muscles do most of the synthesizing of consumed food into new muscle tissue during unconscious sleep. Maybe limit this to: I can heal from 50% to 100% of hp just through sleeping. If I have less than 50% hp and I go to sleep, I wake up only having 75% health.

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Those are good points. I'm starting to decide not to touch healing after all because I think all it will do is make people save/load more and have to walk back to the doctor to heal.


I would like to make healing slightly harder than in vanilla-hardcore though, like... maybe doctors bags, hydra, etc wont heal crippled limbs. I just really like the idea of doctors being NECESSARY instead of just a more expensive/complicated way to do with the Player can already do easily with an item.


"Maybe limit this to: I can heal from 50% to 100% of hp just through sleeping. If I have less than 50% hp and I go to sleep, I wake up only having 75% health."


This is a good idea but the problem is the player can get around it by just resting twice in a row.

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