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I've been looking through the GECK, and I think that some artifacts from the oblivion horse scripts might still be present. My thought is to unite these pieces with player-made scripts, possibly drawing on the fallout 3 vehicle mods' scripting, in order to produce a working horse.


In my mind, there are two tiers of necessity to realizing this idea-- Scripting and Modeling. As far as modeling goes, there are numerous horse mods for oblivion, some of which include custom models. If permission could be secured for said models, the requirements for the Modeling tier- A working, animated horse model- are immediately fulfilled.


The second tier, Scripting, is far more complicated. While there are remnants of Oblivion's horse code still present in FO3 and indeed New Vegas, most will probably be missing. Therefore, I would propose using, with permission, code from one of the Fallout 3 vehicle mods to give the mod creator a "scaffolding" of code, and a way to make a temporary product that will arouse interest until the proper code for the mod is finished. The code would inevitably have to make full use of the model's animations, and be extensible enough to be used in other mods which introduce biological vehicles into the game, such as geckos, bighorners, etc.


I have no idea of the feasibility of this idea, however, I anticipate it will be no small challenge to anyone who is interested.

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don't want to put a dampener on your wish here, but the oblivion horse system is a hardcoded feature which would attach the actors skeleton to a node inside another skeleton, allowing the actor to effectively be the mounted creature complete with it's own animations.

This feature is actually removed from the game in F3. there isn''t a built in way to duplicate the way oblivion handled mounts. there are several ways to fake it, none as as good though. Saiden has actually tackled this area himself, which i believe is using a custom weapon as the mount and forcing animations through script is his preferred methos.


scripting is a tough one on this.


afaik there are only a handful of custom creaturs for F3 and Ob, outside of Saidens effort only about 6 people who have a working CC.

None of those are a horse. which means there is no animated horse model to actually port anyway. Every horse replacer is in all likely hood using vanilla animation. which just further complicates things. Being that a custom creature isn't the easiest thing to attempt

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