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Extreme Range of Visibility settings?!


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It looks like the maximum settings provided in the launcher aren't near to what my machine probably could handle in terms of range of visibility. Especially when using the Binoculars (with that better binoculars mod, of course), you don't seem to see much in the distance.


Is it possible to really maximize the visibility distances of NPCs, Objects, Items, Trees and so on via *.ini-Tweaks or even plugins? Most object distances are alright, but I'm talking about seeing trees and NPCs in full detail like 3 miles away or something. When I'm standing in the Novac dinosaur's mouth, I want to see all the NPCs and objects that are there, not just the ones really quite close to me.


I found some *.ini-Settings but changing .ini-Settings doesn't make much in New Vegas, since all changes are being restored upon launching the game. Even changing those things in that _default.ini-thing in the game's main folder doesn't have any effect.


So well, I'd like to experiment a little with maximizing the LOD settings, especially for objects, trees and NPCs. Guess some of you guys know how to do this? Maybe some sort of setting hidden in the Construction Set?

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You might be able to increase it enough to see all the objects/trees and stuff using mods (I'm sure there is stuff like this out there but I've been a absolute fail and have been playing New vegas on 360 so far.. I'm returning it tomorrow for the PC version :) )


BUT I don't think it is actually possible to see NPCs from really far away unless you have a super computer and change a huge amount of coding because I don't think the NPCs actually spawn until you get near them.. it would use sooooooo much memory if they were all walking around and doing stuff while you are like 6 miles away.. it would have to render hundreds of A.I's at once

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  On 10/27/2010 at 2:31 PM, NuclearDestination said:

You might be able to increase it enough to see all the objects/trees and stuff using mods (I'm sure there is stuff like this out there but I've been a absolute fail and have been playing New vegas on 360 so far.. I'm returning it tomorrow for the PC version :) )


BUT I don't think it is actually possible to see NPCs from really far away unless you have a super computer and change a huge amount of coding because I don't think the NPCs actually spawn until you get near them.. it would use sooooooo much memory if they were all walking around and doing stuff while you are like 6 miles away.. it would have to render hundreds of A.I's at once


I see, that might be a problem. But really, NPCs should be visible from quite far away. I mean, I play at maximum settings and having a scoped rifle, I can't even tell if there is someone walking around that house "over there" (definetely less than a mile away), simply because the game doesn't display those NPCs. So I have to walk up there, and when I see them, they can see me too. Gotta be some way to increase the view distance some way, it worked in Fallout 3 and Oblivion too. You simply had to change some *.ini-Settings, but in New Vegas, you obviously can't make any changes to the *.ini file. At least on my system the game sets it to defaults every time I start the game.

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if you have a crossfire setup or quadruple cards, you can put the ugridsetting way up to 9 instead of 5 in the ini files, makes a lot of difference..

for the NPC's you will only see the ones that are scripted in constantly, not the spawned ones..

there are also ugrid settings for trees and more, change them too, also to 9 or 11

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  On 10/27/2010 at 2:57 PM, Marcurios said:

if you have a crossfire setup or quadruple cards, you can put the ugridsetting way up to 9 instead of 5 in the ini files, makes a lot of difference..

for the NPC's you will only see the ones that are scripted in constantly, not the spawned ones..

there are also ugrid settings for trees and more, change them too, also to 9 or 11


Well like I said, changing anything in the ini file doesn't have an effect, because the game changes those settings back to default upon starting the game. Puts write protection on the file too, so I wouldn't know how to make any ini-Tweaks on my New Vegas game.

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  • Edit the .ini to your liking, save it as fallout.ini.new
  • Now rename the old fallout.ini to fallout.ini.old (or delete it; but having a working backup is always good practice)
  • at last: rename the Fallout.ini.new to fallout.ini
  • ???
  • edited ini!


There may be better ways; but I tricked my win7 that way ^^

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