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Detect Weapon Swing


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Hello. I would like to fire off a script whenever the player swings a certain weapon, regardless of it hitting anything or not. Is that possible to do using the animation functions? I noticed weapons don't have any useful events associated with them unfortunately...

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In the BETA release of SKSE we have these functions & events.

Function RegisterForActorAction(int actionType) native
Function UnregisterForActorAction(int actionType) native

; ActionTypes
; 0 - Weapon Swing (Melee weapons that are swung, also barehand)
; 1 - Spell Cast (Spells and staves)
; 2 - Spell Fire (Spells and staves)
; 3 - Voice Cast
; 4 - Voice Fire
; 5 - Bow Draw
; 6 - Bow Release
; 7 - Unsheathe Begin
; 8 - Unsheathe End
; 9 - Sheathe Begin
; 10 - Sheathe End
; Slots
; 0 - Left Hand
; 1 - Right Hand
; 2 - Voice
Event OnActorAction(int actionType, Actor akActor, Form source, int slot)

I suspect an actiontype of 0 would be what you want.


It does have the drawback of requiring a BETA version of SKSE. But I can attest that this particular set of functions & event work and work well.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that these are from the Form Script.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Thank you both for your replies. The problem with both of these is that they don't just run on a specific weapon, they run on all weapons.


Basically, I want to have a special axe that destroys shacks in my mod. I have the destruction working as a spell right now, but thought it would make more sense from gameplay and immersiveness perspectives for it to be an axe rather than a spell.


But since this is a rarely used ability, I wouldn't want to run a script for all player weapon swings for it. Guess I'll just stick with the spell.


Again, thank you for your replies. They might come handy at a later time. :smile:

Edited by gezegond
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With Matthiaswagg's event within Player Alias Script, use it in conjunction with OnObjectEquipped(). Within OnObjectEquipped, register for the animation even of a weapon swing if the equipped weapon is the special axe. Have OnObjectUnequipped() to unregister for the animation event when the axe is removed.

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