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NPC Arrow Dodge


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You know that thing where NPCs occasionally zip 10 meters to the side instantly when you shoot an arrow at them? Now, I don't really have a problem with NPCs dodging arrows, except that the way it's implemented is so horribly lazy and immersion breaking. They just ZOOM off to the side with no animation whatsoever, and even then, they zoom off so damn far. It looks like the game is literally picking that guy up and sliding him sideways, and it just hurts my eyes looking at the horrible implementation.


Now, what I'm requesting is a mod that does 2 things:


1. Reduce the dodge distance by about half or more, depending on the animation. Which leads me to my next point:


2. Add a form of animation to it. It'd be awesome if you make your own animation, like a proper sidestep dodge the way you'd dodge if you got something thrown at you. If creating a custom animation is not possible, even the vanilla sneak roll would make it look a ton better. Here, the distance then depends on what animation is implemented. If it's the dodge roll, the current distance halved seems about right. If it's a sidestep dodge, the distance would simply be about a body's width away.


Hope someone really decides to make this, I'd (and I'm pretty sure a ton of other people too) be REALLY thankful.

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Ummm I think u may have a bug there buddy. Ive never seen that.

Definitely not a bug, just a really lazy job of implementing it.



i can confirm this problem. Really would be nice if someone could make it more realistic:


also i would like to add one thing to OPs list


3) they sometimes dodge even when the arrow is not in the line of sight of the AI. Is there a way to do something on this matter?

I'm honestly fine with NPCs dodging your arrows even when you're out of sight(mainly because I'm a save scumming ass). I like to think that they actually hear the bow string twang, and from experience, instinctively dodge. Though, an option like this would be nice too.

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