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New distribution permissions options for all files


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Under no circustances is my absence from The Nexus, either by accident or design, to be interpreted as permission to use the contents of this upload as resource material. This shall continue indefinately, commencing on the effective upload date.


Modders adding something like that to future uploads will address this burning (as in the aforementioned 'hot air') issue before it ever becomes an issue.


Writing a Resource Permissions Agreement that promises fair use for downloaders and protects the rights and interests of the uploader is in the works. :wink:

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I think this bears repeating: Dark0ne said that if you write that permissions are required, either in your readme or on the new permission thingy, then nobody will EVER be allowed to upload mods that use your work, even if you disappear


That being said, I don't know what they'll do with any old files that currently breach this rule.

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I think this bears repeating: Dark0ne said that if you write that permissions are required, either in your readme or on the new permission thingy, then nobody will EVER be allowed to upload mods that use your work, even if you disappear


That being said, I don't know what they'll do with any old files that currently breach this rule.



They should be grandfathered in and be off limits. No permissions means just that. This goes against my previous statement about reviewing things on a case by case basis. I've changed my mind. :tongue:

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I guess I am confused....what are you guys/gals saying that are so upset here? Are you saying that you don't trust the staff and owner's integrity to deal with theft of mods? I could have sworn that I just saw a ban by a staff member for that very reason.


I am suspicious of people who want to "protect others" from something that they themselves don't have to worry about...especially if said "others" haven't asked for that protection. I find myself asking "Why are they going to all this trouble, some even being disrespectful, for something that will never affect them?"


I trust the staff. Reading some of these posts...geez you would think they are selling mods on the internet for a profit or something with all the hoopla.

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Well, it is about options (I think) and keeping uploaders and downloaders somewhat happy. Unhappy mods move on or stop uploading. Unhappy downloaders stop coming here. Something has to be done to find the happy median and not be a chore for the staff to control.
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It's my experience that if you're set on people not using your work then you will make this clear in your description or readme before heading off on army duty/jury duty/clean-up duty or take an indefinite leave of the community. What gives me this experience? 9 years of nothing coming up to the contrary. This is why I think it's hot-air stuff to complain about it. If you're complaining about it you're sure as hell making sure permissions are written in to your readme's and descriptions and ergo this doesn't affect you in the slightest. Ergo, vis-à-vis, etc. the only people who really need to complain about this are the ones who feel wronged by it. So please, step forward wronged masses.
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erm - seems like this is a bit of a hot topic currently ... Not a wronged mass here .. but an additional question to my last one a few posts back which remains un-answered (apologies if I am asking in the wrong topic but the title seems appropriate for my questions - noob uploader)


New question: Reference those Pink warnings


There are also pink warning boxes galore informing new authors of the most regular pitfalls and a new tickbox you have to agree to before you can upload new files to the site insuring the files you upload belong to you or that you have permission to upload them. There are no excuses now people.


Do they ever go away?, they seem to be rather sticky no matter what options you have chosen.


If thats intentional behaviour and pink banners are to be blaring at you loud and clear every time fair enough, but currently I have a Pink banner warning me I will be banned if I do not upload any files ... Which is obviously wrong.

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It is a warning to set the file hidden, so it does not get reported. Fill up the report bucket and the page will get deleted. Do it repeatedly and we show you the door.


The warning is there so it is evident what will happen.,

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It is a warning to set the file hidden, so it does not get reported. Fill up the report bucket and the page will get deleted. Do it repeatedly and we show you the door.


The warning is there so it is evident what will happen.,


Aah right, thanks Buddah, so uploaders WITH files may ignore it - It just seems a bit ominous "Crap what have I done wrong!" or "Is this part of the site scripting fubarred, am I about to be banned by a mentalist site bot for doing nothing wrong? - bad bot".. :D

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We also just set new file pages with no files hidden, and have a tool to go back and check if nothing is uploaded after a couple of days.


When we set it hidden for no files, it auto posts a generic post that explains why we set it hidden.

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