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New distribution permissions options for all files


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i kind of miss it being at the bottom of the description too, i guess it's because it's been embedded into our brains for so long to look there for permission information and credits.


the text link is showing up fine for me though no matter what i try to do to break it. being the longest line in that table though, it definitely would be the first to go awry.

Edited by holbrook
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This should do it:


< a rel="nofollow external" title="External link" class="bbc_url" href="http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=764052">profile< /a>


Just remove the spaces at the beginning and end.Also change profile to your user name.

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Nice to see Nico's work anywhere, and yep mine displays the same way.Even stretching is across 2 monitors it displays that way. that would be 44 inches of display.
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Yep, him, Adonnay and Jojjo are all very tough acts to follow. We are thankful that Nico posted it as a modder's resource so that we could get it into DA.


I am glad others see the "permissions" that way too...I had a thought that maybe my text settings were doing that. Everything else looks so clean and tidy on the rest of the page though. I am sure Dark0ne will get to it eventually.

Edited by XTR3M368
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mine looks like this~




changing the window dimensions, font size, or browser never causes my text to buckle over onto a second line. it looks like it might be possible that you have a different font defaulting or possibly just different clear-type/anti-aliasing settings than i do, but it's hard to tell if it just looks that way because it's scaled down.

Edited by holbrook
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I can't seem to replicate that issue Xtreme. I've tried resolutions from 1600x1200 all the way to 1900x1200 and can't get it to do that in Firefox 3.6.6. What version are you running?
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I am running 3.6.12 that I updated on 10/30. I have 1680x1050 native resolution. I tried using the font size changer available with firefox but it just made everything bigger/smaller and didn't fix the problem. I checked my windows font size and it is set at default which is 96dpi. The font in those boxes looks a tad bigger than the font used in the "unboxed" font...like under "Site" and "Files". It looks like the "boxes" are a tad wider than mine in holbrook's SS judging by how many character spaces are left after the word "images" in the box above "permissions"...I am not sure if that is the scale or not. Buddah seems to have the same issue. I wonder what we have in common that is causing it. Edited by XTR3M368
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Try going to:


view -> zoom -> reset

view -> page style -> basic page style

view -> character encoding -> auto detect -> off

view -> character encoding -> Western (ISO-8859-1)

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