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New Dragon Skeletons after absorbing Souls


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This has been bugging me for a long time now. I apologize if someone has posted this idea/request before, but my search results produced 6 pages of nothing.

When you kill a normal Dragon,Elder Dragon, and Ancient Dragon you get the appropriate skeleton after the flesh and scales burn away. Two straight horns, the right skull, spine etc. However, if you killed a Blood, Frost, Legendary, Revered, or Serpentine dragon, you get the same thing. I don't think I need to explain why this is immersion breaking, and seemingly lazy. What? Are you saying that a Serpentine or Revered dragon (links below) just have horns burst out of their skulls on death? or that their skulls compact into a standard dragon shape? Or that a Frost or Blood Dragon Loose their spinal ridges, and head crests on death?

If it is possible, would someone please get the right skeletal counterparts made and assigned to these guys it would be an awesome improvement on vanilla.

Come to think of it, it should come in a patch, or expansion from Bethesda but we all know that that got s*** canned.

http://i.imgur.com/TdS2Z.jpg (Revered Dragon)

http://fc05.devianta...ine-d66ez4p.jpg (Serpentine Dragon ^)

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  • 6 months later...

I too was bugged by this because it's so obvious. It's annoying as s*** but hopefully theres a mod out there that fixes it with some new models or something. I have yet to find one though.

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