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Favorite Spell


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I'm not a mage actually, but in my oppinion the most useful spells are:


- Infravision

- Starlight

- Mark

- Recall


I hope I translated them correctly, as I'm playing the German version of Oblivion.

But those spells are quite useful if you lose the way, or simply run out of torches (or do not like them ;) )

Not really cool, but very helpful stuff. If I'd like to be cool I'd play a magician. ^^"

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  • 1 month later...
My favorute spell is Blizard. You can find it in Skingrad Mages Guild. The head of guild hall is selling it for about 2000 septims and you need a lot of Magicka. Beacuse it is a frost spell it won't work on ghost and stuff like ghosts. And it would be a bad idea to use it when fighting together with your allies beacuse it is a 75ft spell or something like that
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My favorite spell is probably the revive (cant remember the exact name) spell on the Staff of Worms. Its fun to bring back something/someone and beat the un-dead snot out of them. When they die or the spell wears off, cast it again! Beat some more of that cold-hearted %pcname's undead thing.


Another of my favorite is the lightning/shock spells. No matter how powerful they are, you can still walk around blasting things off shelves, making a total disarray of a shop or home.


Probably my last two are Wabbajack and Paralyze. Wabbajack because it is fun to turn around, see a Minotaur running at you, cast it and face a rat. Paralyze is just fun because you can watch the NPC or creature fall over.

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Two quirks of note: Shock spells (or anything with a Shock/lightning animation) travel faster than the bolts from other disciplines. Lightning bolts in the game travel faster than fireballs or paralyze orbs or whatnot, so if you want to get a shot downrange faster, tack on enough Shock damage to turn it into a lightning-based attack spell.


Secondly, take your best, most lethal spell and attach enough Paralyze on it to turn it into an Illusion spell. Then name it "Avada Kedavra". ;)

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I made a black magic mod that is pretty cool... I'm working to improve it, but basically, what it does, is suck the life energy out of the respective creature/npc, and fortify your magicka...

I want to make it so you can control the ammount of life you suck :P

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The spell I find most useful is Detect Life. Were it enabled, I think the DARK effect might well be my favorite.


Is there any reason not to use it? It has the phrase DO NOT USE as the name of the effect, as did MW...


Because it's kinda... useless. I have no idea what Bethesda intended to do with this spell...


This is related to the spell effect DO NOT USE - Darkness


The spell-effect darkens the area around the effected actor a bit and adds a black-light effect on the actor that makes him appear almost completely black.


This actor-value corresponds to the magnitude of the Darkness-effect, i.e. the size of the area that is darkened by the effect (this seems to work only in exteriors, and a changed magnitude only applies on a cell-change).


As far as I understand, unless you like making actors that look like they've fallen into a bucket of black paint, this isn't really an useful spell.

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Got to be paralyze. I was messing about with it, on a black bear. On a steep hill. 'twas interesting watching it tumble down again. And again. And again. Fell off my perch for laughing. Shame it didn't kill it. Mauled me when I ran out of magicka.
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