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Looking for mentor in building large Player House /Fallower Area


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Ever since I downloaded Elysium Estate ive wanted to create a similar larger estate area, that can fullfill a medieval fantasy players needs.Im curious if this is at all possible.


These are the buildings/areas ive come up with.


Of course I wish to have specific npcs scripted per area.


Indoor Areas


Bedrooms (Master,Maids,Chefs,Nanny,Children's,Landlords)

Living Room


Alchemist Room

Enchanters Room

Treasury Room

Cellar (dairy/brewery/Produce Storage)

Dinning Hall

Throne Room

Large Library

Dragonborn Area

Basement (Prison)

Secret Passages










Blacksmith Area

Farmers Lodge

Fishers Lodge

Hunters Lodge

Carpenters Lodge

Crop Fields

Mage Tower

Fighters Area/Archery Range

Trade/Merchant Area


Dairy Processing


Thieves Den



Miners Lodge




Ive just started learning on how to use CK, If anyone would be interested in being my mentor and working together with me to make this creation come to life, I have a very good imagination and love architecture and medieval settings.



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check out this guy's video tutorials, his companion making and vendor making videos were a big help to me when i just starting out making mods for Skyrim


and also it would be good to look at other house mods and see how they are made in creation kit, how they are put together, what are used etc. then start making a small house mod, once you get the hang of it, make a big one you like

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Yeah, you can either start small in size, or small in features. I also love the Elysium Estate mod (along with many other great house mods), & I did end up going pretty big in size with my first mod, but I still kept it pretty simple with features. I still know very little about scripting, or blender/nifscope, etc. Everything I've learned was through trial & error, asking questions on these forums, & from watching tutorials & researching things online. And, I still have a long way to go.


Starting by building a small house is a good idea, then you can add more to it to learn, such as making certain things interactive, or adding in some NPC's, etc. Just watch tutorials & download & look at a lot of other mods that do what you want, to see if you can figure out how they did it.

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