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SKSE - Please update Skyrim to the latest version.


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Hello you guys !
I wanted to install some mods that required SKSE. So I decided to install it for the first time following this guy instructions

. I did everything like he shows. Unfortunately when I try to run skse.loader i get information about not having Skyrim update (which is ofc. bull**it since I have the latest version of Skyrim I tried to install SKSE using installer but during instalation he is telling me that my Skyrim is like 1.7,not 19.32 -_- I tried solving this issue using some internet tips but nothing helps :(


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The game wasn't bought on Steam but its ofc. using Steam account. How do I check is the game fully up to date ? Steam automatically download any new updates and like i said in the game menu its clearly said so I guess that is the version i have.

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I did it, I used NDM to do it and didn't helped. First time I downloaded 1.71 (not the beta) and followed this guy in video instructions. Probably now everything is messed up cuz that instalations/deinstalations. Srsly I am pi**ed of ;/ I just wanted to install one mod to see my legs in Skyrim xD

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I did it, I used NDM to do it and didn't helped. First time I downloaded 1.71 (not the beta) and followed this guy in video instructions. Probably now everything is messed up cuz that instalations/deinstalations. Srsly I am pi**ed of ;/ I just wanted to install one mod to see my legs in Skyrim xD


SKSE is mandatory for memory patch anyway. After you get it to work download Skse ini for Lazy Users from nexus.


You need xp skeletons for Joy of Perspective.

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