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Damn thing keeps crashing, cant finish game


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I'm at the point where you have to talk to the ranger in charge of the NCRs security for the presidents visit, however just as he tells me to get some rest for the mission, the screen fades to black, then crashes. This has happened both playing AS Mr House and the NCR, and to make matters worse, 2 days ago i rienstalled my ENTIRE OS from scratch, all the updates are done, all the drivers are the latest, and new vegas is the only game i have installed. what the f*** IS WRONG WITH IT!!!???!?!?!. When i buy a game, i expect it to work.\\



i7 2.66ghz

4gb RAM

1x 150gig velociraptor

1x 1terabyte HDD

1x GTX280

Gigabyte X58 extreme motherboard

XP home

Office 2007 Enterprise

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hmm odd to say the lest, not heard of many problems at that part at all. dunno what to tell you other than maybe you could use the console maybe to set the quest stage maybe to skip the wait period but dunno if that would work or not that part is heavily scripted to setup the whole scene.




yea no reports of the game having any crash issues there. you got a rare one.

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