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Lag freeze when loading a modded armor


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Good morning people, i want to ask if that is probably a problem of my coputer or is because i need to set up something properly. Playing Dark Souls 2 i started using armor mods and i notice that everytime i equip that particular armor or the game has to load a black phantom with that armor reskin (Aurous for example) the game freezes for 2 seconds like if it is loading something. When playing normally i don't have any kind of troubles and i don't have troubles even with Ui mods or other miscellaneous mods. Is there some option i have to set up to make it avoid this issue? Thx for the future replies.

P.S: In the readme files of armor mods i didn't find a clue, apart from enabling texture overriding that is a must if i want to let the mods work on the game.

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As an Class A offender of making textures that cause equip-lag it usually means that the textures you are using are large (in file size). Smaller files (e.g. 171kb) means little to no lag while larger textures (e.g. 4097kb) will take longer for GEDO to load them. Nothing you can really do unless the modder or yourself shrink the files (either by lowering the resolution or changing file format), but if you shrink them via resolution change you will lose texture quality.


What you guys need to remember is that most of the original armors in DS2 are not very high in resolution so they are small files, plus they are already in the game so there is no overhead to the game loading them and that's why they load immediately. With mods you usually have higher quality textures plus you need GEDO to inject the textures into the game to be displayed so it takes a small amount of time. And like i said, the larger the file size the longer the equip-lag will be.


Hope that clears it up for you.

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1 note to all people. if you want that people shadows at bonfire not cause you that loading freeze maybe sure to set character rendering in setting to limit to player character

Is that what's causing that???? I was always wondering why the hell it lagged there. Good to know.

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