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Standing on your feet is hard to do, because they are being used to stand on the floor, ground, whatever is underneath them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Doc; I learned your last patient has only one personality.  They'd like to have my problem.

I can be any video character I want to pretend be.  Only when I quit playing that game I don't retain any resemblances to that character. 

Hey doc, when I was young and diagnosed to find out I have C. U. S. it wasn't funny.

I heard you joking about me the other day.  You told the nurse that now-a-days I am just an old C. U. S..

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I stood upon a foggy white sand shore.  I was sure of it.  Then I felt like I was flying.  That's when I knew I was not standing on anything and a cloud dissipated.  I found a stirrup.  Thinking I was about to get in the saddle on a horse.  I pulled down on the stirrup and was jerked harshly very suddenly.  I looked at the stirrup in my hand and realized it was a handle on a rip cord.  I floated down.  Crashed through that glass dome.  Then I landed on this couch.

You say you're a psychiatrist.  If all the broken glass wasn't scattered all around and the paraglider cords weren't hanging down from the ceiling I would think you might have hypnotized me.

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  • 4 months later...

The Therapist Lounge Therapist is no longer with us. 


Thor is sore and put his thumb on his tum whenever his Mum should have put food on his tongue.


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