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Morrowind Overhaul Major Issue, please help


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I acquiered Morrowind through steam yesterday, eager to play it again after many years. I had a look at some mods and found the Morrowind Overhaul Mod compilation among others. However, after attempting to install the Overhaul (which ended in an error message on the very last step) the game no longer works. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the game but that didn't help. I tried to reinstall the mod agai but I keep getting the same error message.


Starting the game just causes a 'Morrowind has stopped working' message.


I sniffed around a bit and found someone else had had similar problems, and were adviced to run MGEXEgui (one of the files in the Mod) and change something in there, but running said file prompts me to first run Morrowind as Admin, which I can't do since the game won't start at all... 'unable to find Morrowind registry keys. Please run the game as admin before running MGE.'


I posted on the Mod page, but thought I'd ask here too in case someone is familiar with the issue.

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Did Morrowind work OK before you installed MGSO?


I don't use MGSO myself but this thread over on the Official forums is a good place to start: Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 Thread #6 (check out the FAQs link in the OP, perhaps there's some help there).


There's a lot of helpful people over at Bethsoft who know more about this than I do, might be worth registering there and asking for help if what's in the thread already doesn't fix your problems.

Edited by Dragon32
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