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Copying into books?


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You can copy text into the book editor - I usually copy from a notepad or word file.


In your source document, select the text you want to copy, and copy it to the clipboard.


Then, in the TESCS editor, select the book you want to use (I usually take the lazy option, open an existing book and change the ID - saves copying the header tags and selecting meshes and icons :D ), position your cursor where you want the text to start, and press 'ctrl' and 'v' together - this should paste the text from the clipboard.


Sorry if this too basic and you already knew about it...


To format text in the editor use the <BR> tag where you want a new line to start, and also put a <BR> tag at the end of your text - for some reason text didn't show up when I left out the tag at the end.

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