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How do I edit a mods Description/Summary? (need to remove a bash tag)


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In order to remove a Bash Tag from a mod (which will hopefully solve a problem I have) I need to edit the mod's Description/Summary. How do I do this? I have tried to open the mod in TESConstructionSet but I couldn't find out how to edit its Description/Summary.

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Well, you 'can', in theory, edit an ESP/ESM's description in the CS during the phase where you 'select' which ESP to open, right before you actually open it.

But in my last attempts the CS always crashed when I tried, or that is until I substituted the CS with CSE (Construction Set Extender) at least.


However, just messing around with the description is no guarantee the Bash Tag will be removed correctly, whereas using Wrye Bash to remove a Bash Tag like Striker suggested is a sure-fire way to really get rid of it.

Keep in mind though, if it's a Bash Tag listed in BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software), it will also be back again inside the description as soon as you run BOSS again next time.

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