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need an experienced modder to make Green Arrow gear to the T


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Specifically, need retextured bow that:

looks like his, draws in 1/3 second, does alot of bash damage, and always paralyzes enemy

Need suit with: med/high armor rating,matches his in the show, induces invis while crouching

Need hood that: doubles bow damage, and looks basically like the mage hood, except dark green

I know alot of people who would love this, thank you for your consideration

-and please no god items, it should atleast be fair. Muchas Gracias!

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Specifically, need retextured bow that:

looks like his, draws in 1/3 second, does a lot of bash damage, and always paralyzes enemy

Need suit with: med/high armor rating,matches his in the show, induces invis while crouching

Need hood that: doubles bow damage, and looks basically like the mage hood, except dark green

I know a lot of people who would love this, thank you for your consideration

-and please no god items, it should atleast be fair. Muchas Gracias!


uuuuhhh.... im confused... first you describe god gear then say you dont want god gear... do you want it made or not?

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Not even close. find it funny?

Like Qwerty said above. Not only is the gear you describe god gear, it's weird that you suggest that it should not be god gear when you have already laid out exactly what it should do. The only wiggle room you've allowed is the exact damage and armor rating of the weapon and armor, but the other features make those basically irrelevant. There's no way to make an auto paralyzing bow, constant invisibility armor, and a double damage hood anything except god items.

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fair enough. what i meant was, no damage out in the thousands, that sort of thing. i mean, i realize i contradicted myself a bit with the invisibility. and the hood. honestly, id be more than happy if the s#*! just looked like his. all i really want unique about the bow is bash damage and draw speed. paralization is just something i put on my bows anyways.

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