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Amazing Follower Tweaks causing Crash to Desktop upon loading save


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My problem is simple but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to solve it. I've had several problems with AFT over the past few months, the one before this one being random invincible bandits. Since I had installed the Steam Workshop version of the mod in a fit of madness/idiocy, I decided that it must be due to the pure shittiness of installing mods through Steam Workshop for anything other than Left 4 Dead 2 causing all my issues. Given that once I had removed the mod, everything worked smoothly (Or as smoothly as Skyrim ever goes when running around 100 mods) This seems to have indeed been the problem.


However, I have of late found I can literally not live without AFT. As in literally, I can't live without it, it is so friggin useful. So, I decided I'd come to the nexus and download it properly.


Thus chapter 100984098459 of my saga of issues with mods and Skyrim began. Usually I do pretty well solving things like this on my own, and if it were any other mod, I'd probably just say "f*#@ it" and be done with it, but as I mentioned, I really like AFT.


So I thought I'd come to the Nexus and kindly request assistance.


TL;DR: Steam Workshop version of AFT f*#@ed my Skyrim with a barbed dildo so I got rid of it, got Nexus version and now s#*!'s f*#@ed up. Again.

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I've managed to achieve a temporary fix by starting a new game and loading the save I want from the new game before it overwrites any autosaves. (I use Life Another Life or this would likely be a much more time-consuming process.) However, this is still an issue, and I'd love to be able to load my saves like a normal person.

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