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CoD Black Ops


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OK: Finished the campaign on medium and hyper uber mega ultra "hard", aswell as giving the multiplayer a very thourough going over. And that means it's review time.


I've played COD for a long time. In both MW and MW2. And this is easily better than both of them combined.


To be honest, if you refuse to buy this game because it's "just a reskin of a 2007 game" you're missing out on a lot of awesome through shear ignorance.


Because this isnt a reskin, it feels fundamentaly improved. Now, for the review.


Campaign: Set in the 1960s and '70s, The story doesnt make a whole lot of cohesive sense, but that's an improvment on the total lack of story in MW2. Furthermore, it's not the point- Black Ops is just simply fun. Pure, simple, fun. It's paced just right, just long enough, has great mission variety, has a LOT more enemy variety, and best of all, enemies now behave diferently depending on their faction. Im not going to give away spoilers, but while the campaign isnt terribly cerebral, it is HUGELY fun, hugely entertaining, and full of awesome action hero moments. Think of about ten really well made hollywood action flick's most intense moments stitched together into one crazy, over the top, ridiculous uber-film. Expect awesome at every turn.


It's all in the action, and the action is good. It also does away with the silent nonpersonas-your character both talks and even has a name. This game is hugely entertaining offline, the campaign is a thousand times bettter than MW2, and very, very strong even relative to other FPS. It's been a long time since I had this much fun in a singleplayer FPS.




Multiplayer: This is a bit more standard issue, but frankly that's a good thing since MW2 had such strong multiplayer to begin with. Significant imrpovements however have been made. Everything now requires credits, which are earned through skilled play. With credits you buy guns, attachments, everything really-it's a good insentive to play well, because everything is priced just right, meaning you can have what you need, but you want to keep working towards what you want. The customisation now is excellent-and very entertaining. You can make pretty much anything you want, and I mean ANYTHING. But the other new addition is the Contract. Contracts are purchased with credits, but when completed earn a massive profit.


Contracts are like challenges, you buy one, paying a buy-in to complete a series of challenges within a set time frame-it's tough, but very rewarding, and rather enjoyable, adding another good new way to play online. Lastly, you can wager credits on a match-play well and you'll be rewarded mightily, lose, and you lose your entry fee and get nothing.






In my view this is the best COD out there-anyone can find something to enjoy here and both the singleplayer and multiplayer are some of the best in the genre-I've got to give this a 9/10.


If you are holding off buying this because you think it's MW2 in a funny hat, it isnt. Try it, you'll love it.

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Black Ops.... awesome game, but a lot like Fallout New Vegas, needed some more work before release. The campaign was fun, even though Steam decided to be stupid and not record my completion, and now for some reason it won't load the first level of the campaign. Zombies is... well, zombies. It's fun, a little strange, and a great way to kill time.... and zombies.


The multiplayer is pretty great. We have dedicated servers now, which is awesome. I've logged about a half-dozen hours already and I only got it yesterday. (About 6 PM) It's far less linear in that you can decide which attachments you get for you gun, and just buy them. No need to use FMJ (which no longer exists, by the way, it's a perk now) to get Extended mags, just go buy extended mags for 1000 CoD points and you're good to go. There's also a lot of different weapons in the game, which I like. And the crossbow... man, that's just fun. Nothing more satisfying than sticking your opponent with your crossbow and watching him run to his buddies and blow them all up.


All in all, a great game and definitely worth getting.



By the way... if anyone knows how to fix that issue with loading campaign, let me know. I go to start the first mission, I press space to skip the intro and then after I watch that first little cinematic it just goes black... and then nothing. It didn't do that the first time around.

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It won't long be before Call of Duty games start playing themselves, I gave up with the single player because it was just move from one checkpoint to the next following the on screen instructions, at no point do you have to think or make any kind of decision. It reminded me of those "on rails" lightgun games. I borrowed the console version off a friend so didn't waste any money on the thing.
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I find it interesting how the AI change for each battle, for example the Vietense will bayonet charge in numbers and the Spetnaz will use cover well, even though they commando role when they don't need to...all this from watching Good Game :laugh:
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That's a pretty major exageration.


Frankly I get a bit tired of people saying "I hate COD it's too COD"


What you're really saying is "I hate really good FPS games because they're too good, I'd rather play some half-assed knockoff that requires I think in a particularly noticeable way"


COD is COD, always has been, always will be, and saying that is a problem is like complaining about a cow having hooves-the cow cant change whether it's got hooves or not and all you're going to do is make the farmer angry.


And what the hell kind of thinking are you supposed to do in an arcade FPS anyway? UT2000 has less thinking than your average stone, but it's got better FPS gameplay than pretty much anything else ever. To be brutaly honest, FPS arent really about "thinking"-else they'd be FPT (first person thinker) they're about grabbing your gun, and shooting some ethnic dude while yelling immature drivel down the microphone at all and sundry. It's not cerebral or high forhead, but it is good fun and "thinking" would be to it's detriment.


Because I do plenty of thinking daily, and I like to have a game to play where I can just relax and commit war crimes. Not everything has to be some hugely tactical hugely involved war sim, arcade has it's place.


It's got everything it needs already: good gameplay, graphics, actions, story(esque thing) and does everything a bit better than it's previous installment. Furthermore it's atleast TRIED not to be a simple rehash-new setting, very diferent gear, radicaly diferent singleplayer.

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That's a pretty major exageration.


Frankly I get a bit tired of people saying "I hate COD it's too COD"


What you're really saying is "I hate really good FPS games because they're too good, I'd rather play some half-assed knockoff that requires I think in a particularly noticeable way"


COD is COD, always has been, always will be, and saying that is a problem is like complaining about a cow having hooves-the cow cant change whether it's got hooves or not and all you're going to do is make the farmer angry.


And what the hell kind of thinking are you supposed to do in an arcade FPS anyway? UT2000 has less thinking than your average stone, but it's got better FPS gameplay than pretty much anything else ever. To be brutaly honest, FPS arent really about "thinking"-else they'd be FPT (first person thinker) they're about grabbing your gun, and shooting some ethnic dude while yelling immature drivel down the microphone at all and sundry. It's not cerebral or high forhead, but it is good fun and "thinking" would be to it's detriment.


Because I do plenty of thinking daily, and I like to have a game to play where I can just relax and commit war crimes. Not everything has to be some hugely tactical hugely involved war sim, arcade has it's place.


It's got everything it needs already: good gameplay, graphics, actions, story(esque thing) and does everything a bit better than it's previous installment. Furthermore it's atleast TRIED not to be a simple rehash-new setting, very diferent gear, radicaly diferent singleplayer.


No what I'm saying is I don't like it because it's on rails, people can criticise UT all they want but at least you can flank the opposition, the only time you can flank the opposition in call of duty is when the developers have decided that is what you're going to do like it or not.

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