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I come not to praise Ceasar but to Bury Him


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Finally realized that I cannot stand the Legion


So went about preparing, at the last shopping stop, a Legion assassin was cut down running towards me (by NPCs)


Now determined to finish off Caesar . . .


Remnant power armor, Alien Blaster, Gauss Rifle --- Veronica in full Brotherhood T51 and a gatling gun with enhanced fire rate (21k bulk ammo){better looking stats than the fully upgraded gatling laser)


Fast travel to the Fort


and they drop like proverbial flies - Heck Veronica rarely got a chance to use her gatling - and poor old Ed-e floating around looking pretty. (That blaster is a fast and deadly little thing)


Very satisfying day, the game even has dialog lines for Caesar being dead


But it isn't as robust as it sounds, the newly freed slaves were completely dumbfounded - they couldn't even speak - and they never even considered escaping


Of note, "Beware the Wrath of Caesar" is now in my finished/failed quest list


Strangely this blood bath did nothing for my NCR standings (clearly a programming oversight)


And considering that you can only get Caesar's armor by prying it off of his stone cold body . . . I wanna wear it while strolling around Vegas, but it has a Legion faction tag . . . Clearly this is a game design issue -- aka bug.



Time to go back to Yes Man and think about becoming "King of Vegas"

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The rest in the camp I sneak attacked while in disguise with Melee =P

If you had poked around in the tents, each one has a footlocker and you could have easily re-equipped yourself with weapons. It was quite a nice selection when I went for a peek as I considered the value of mayhem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i just raided the entire f***ing camp,i admit,i was vilified,but still no reason to start shooting at me so i had no other choice but defend myself...and i wanted to have talk with ceasar so bad,and then of course kill him :biggrin:
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i just raided the entire f***ing camp,i admit,i was vilified,but still no reason to start shooting at me so i had no other choice but defend myself...and i wanted to have talk with ceasar so bad,and then of course kill him :biggrin:


Not sure if there's sarcasm there, but considering you get the mark after confronting Benny, that would clear your rep until you or your companion killed a legionary - which would allow you to get your talk in before the assault. I always like to talk to him first before I kill him. Note, bringing Boone along will prevent you from that conversation since he kills legion on site negating your mark. I usually leave him somewhere safe until I've met Ceasar and done what I wanted before raiding the camp.

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Oh man, killing Caesar(NOT KAI_SAR!) is my favourite part of the game...


After murdering just about the entire camp using a trail carbine, a lot of stimpacks and desert ranger armor(mod) and of course Boone Norris,

I burst into Caesars tent and shoot his face off with Benny's Pistol 'Maria' and then run out the door before the preatorians get too close...


once though i made an overpowered machete in the geck and just got stabby and slashy in the camp...

Was kinda funny cos me just barging in waving a god machete around not really caring who I hit( I think I killed the trader guy) kinda reminded me of the movie ' year one' when abraham? pulls out a large knife and says "Lets cut some Foreskins!"( do the voice its funnier that way)

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The rest in the camp I sneak attacked while in disguise with Melee =P

If you had poked around in the tents, each one has a footlocker and you could have easily re-equipped yourself with weapons. It was quite a nice selection when I went for a peek as I considered the value of mayhem.


Yup, lots of shotguns in those footlockers. It's like the Devs want you to have taken Shotgun Surgeon before going there.


Plus once you take down something with a Chainsaw or Ballistic Fist you can grab it and really go to town!

Edited by zerrodefex
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At Lvl 20 something I could probably clear the entire camp with my new sword from Moraelin. Why are the Legion so poorly armed, really, junkies in New Vegas have plasma weapons and Caesar's body guard have crappy smgs! No wonder they take pride in their toughness, they have to fight with pointed f**king sticks.


Oh, an can anyone tell me how to get the field guns working? do I ask for or steal the bits from the boomers? can I turn them on the legion?

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At Lvl 20 something I could probably clear the entire camp with my new sword from Moraelin. Why are the Legion so poorly armed, really, junkies in New Vegas have plasma weapons and Caesar's body guard have crappy smgs! No wonder they take pride in their toughness, they have to fight with pointed f**king sticks.


Legion have a huge anti-technology bent, they think it makes everyone else weaker or something. Of course that doesn't stop Caesar from being a hypocrite by wearing a Displacer Glove and having the autodoc.

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