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Bethesda's first-ever E3 conference!


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In response to post #22903969. #22909169 is also a reply to the same post.


Them developing a game believe it or not has nothing to do with what other developers are doing or are going to do. It's going to be Fallout 4, then TES VI, then Fallout 5, etc. They're not going to work on the same franchise when they hold two and do the main games in the series.

I love TES a lot more, but it's better that Fallout 4 is first that way it will allow them to make a better Elder Scrolls game because of it.

I wish I could find more evidence of it, (there's a lot that talk about it) but apparently, Todd Howard was the one who wanted the Fallout series. They actually went out and bought it for him. I don't see him skipping one game either way. They are both his babies, and he'll take turns doing them both because he loves them. Unless he lets another developer do a game in the main series, (not side series like New Vegas) they won't do the same franchise twice in a row. It takes them about 3 - 4 years to do one game. It'll be around 9ish years before they release the game of the franchise they skipped.
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@Camonna Tong


I would have believed you. However, the Vampire Dante said that the voice actor Bethesda hired for the next gen action RPG (the alleged Fo4) was in fact Nazir from the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. So he could easily take place in the next Elder Scrolls game assuming it is a sequel since he is still alive at the end of the Dark Brotherhood. Or he could easily be a new character given how limited Bethesda's voice-acting usually is for their TES games. Of course it could be Fo4 but think about it. They haven't made Fo4 yet and they already made Tamriel Unlmited which throws your theory out of the water since they didn't make Fo4 instead making the Elder Scrolls Online and yes I know that it was made by Zenimax but it is still marketed by Bethesda as an Elder scrolls game of sorts. Since it's not doing very well now would be the right time to show that they are still in the fantasy business and release the next Elder Scrolls game.


It has been almost 5 years since the previous Elder Scrolls game (the true one - Skyrim - DLC's don't count) and every Elder Scrolls game comes out once every 5 years. True fact!! In an Interview with Todd Howard that can be found on youtube he said something along the lines of Elder scrolls being Bethesda's baby and that he would really like to make another one. When asked if he was making another one he said that they didn't want to release anything before it was ready but when it would happen it would be big which could signal their E3 event being a TES reveal. Also someone mentioned on a forum (I have to look it up) that Todd Howard also stated there would be one more game on the Creation Engine which made Skyrim. This could easily be the next Elder Scrolls game since mods have shown that it can be tweaked to look like a next-gen game. However it could still run on low-end PC's and such.


Also, there is no other game to my knowledge made with the Creation Engine except for Skyrim so it would stand to reason that Skyrim's sequel would be made with the same engine if they are in fact making another TES game. Anyhow, that's just my reasoning. Watch a bunch of interviews on YouTube and all the signs seemingly point to the next Elder Scrolls game. They wanted it to be the Elder Scrolls Online but when that wasn't popular I bet they realized that they should go back to their single-player roots and make another TES game. What will it be about? Where will it be set? What will the player do in this game? Who knows? But I know that it will blow Skyrim out of the water and be the best RPG of our current day and age! :-)



P.S. Look it up on wikipedia: The voice actor for Nazir did indeed play a role in Fallout 3! Elder scrolls 6 confirmed? ;-)

Edited by ADragonCalledGeorge
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I'm hoping it's another in the fallout line, I like both fallout and elder scrolls worlds but surviving the aftermath of world ending disaster appeals to me more.

Though no matter what they release you can bet it will be chock full of stupid bugs that some few wonderful and caring people in the community will have to step in and fix, most likely repeatedly. I for one will not be buying the game on release day. I'll wait until at least some of the stupid is removed from it. They'll eventually get my money because the licenses they hold are just that good, If only the development team was as good as the license.

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In response to post #22934829.


Elder Scrolls VI - Loading Screens!!

In the long-awaited sequel to Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim, fans can expect to experience the most epic and longest loading screens ever. Never again will they have to wait for a loading screen before travelling to another cell. From now on - the loading screens will come to them! They will get to quest with all kinds of loading screens and will go up against the toughest loading screen of all - the 10 hour long loading screen! Will they win? Or will the Loading Screens triumph? The fate of Tamriel may just hang in the balance!! :)
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I noticed a lot of people guessing at what game (Singular) they were going to announce, but I'd say one game doesn't warrant a conference at all, nor is any one of their titles really more seserving than the others. Besides, we're not just due for an Elder Scrolls announcement. We're also OVERDUE for a new Fallout game. I theorize that the decision for a conference is due to a planned "double feature". I think they plan to announce The Elder Scrolls VI AND Fallout 4 at the same event!!!
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