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What kind of glitches and bugs have you found?


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I have found a buttload of glitches and bugs in Fallout NV, just as I'm sure many people have, so I was wondering what kind of stuff other people have found? Here's a list of some of mine, on the 360 version:


1. Living Corpses!

There's been two places where I was supposed to find corpses, but found living NPCs instead! The first was in Gommorah, investigating a dead prostitute. Which I did, as she walked around the room and said hi to me as I passed. The second was on a path near Red Rock with lots of burnt corpses. One of the corpses was up and running with a bunch of Fiends, trying to attack me. And killing her gave me Karma...


2. Lost Companions

There's been a few cases where companions have just disappeared. Mostly I just return to a previous save, but one of them was ED-E who vanished when I went into Vault 11. I have never seen her again, she's not in the Vault, and people are reacting to her as if she's still with me. I even have her perk, but obviously she can't help in combat or carry my stuff and I can't dismiss her to hire a new companion.


3. Lucky 38 Stash vanished

I left loooooads of materials in a footlocker near the workbench in the Lucky 38 base, but for some reason they all disappeared. The next time I went to retrieve them, it was completely empty and I never found them again. Boon was carrying a Chainsaw of mine, which also vanished from his inventory.


4. The House Always Wins Failure

Again in Vault 11, I went to the end of the vault and for no apparent reason the quest I was doing - the House Always Wins - mysteriously failed for no reason.


5. In a train tunnel near Boomer territory, there's a room I can't get to. Surrounded by Ghouls, the room has a workbench in it but I can't get to the room to explore it. When I get even vaguely close, I drop through the floor and stairs into the grey surrounding box area that the interior is built in and reappear at the start of the tunnel. Weird.


This is amongst many other stuff like floating items, weapons I already own having a 'steal' tag on them when I pick them up again, locking up and freezing, etc. What kind of stuff have you guys found?

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well, i have seen many bugs, some reported, some i have experienced myself


now, about the stash that vanished, maybe the container respawns, and so it's not safe to put stuff in, as they will disappear


and about the companions go missing, i have found a way to fix it (at least i think i have)

basically, Boone went missing for me, so what i did was find his code as an NPC, and use the console to put him next to me, then told him to come with me, and fast traveled to a spot (it doesn't matter where) and at that spot, i had both NPC Boone and companion Boone, so i just disabled NPC Boone, and everything is now fine

i'm not 100% sure this will work, and i'm not sure if it can work on ED-E, but it's worth a try, i think......

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i'm not 100% sure this will work, and i'm not sure if it can work on ED-E, but it's worth a try, i think......


Sadly, mine was on the 360 version, so I can't use the console, dammit! at least I still have the perk, which is a consolation prize, though I really wanted to switch ED-E out for Rex.


No problems with bugs? wow. Lucky, wish I hadn't :P I love Black Isle, but I don't think they were as accomplished at using the game engine as Bethesda :( still, a patch will fix that up, hopefully.

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the vault 11 thing is highly annoying, i almost suspect one of those robots shares an id with victor cause when you enter that last room and kill the robots victor at the 38 dies in vegas then you get flagged as hostile and cannot do anything for house you just get attacked.


corrupted saves, not even related to the ghoul quest i got a batch of saves, manual and auto go bad and it was maybe 15 or 20 hours after i had done the ghoul quest line.


the BoS loop, just cause you talk to the guys in the order you meet them so you enter the room talk to the main guy turn in the mission then talk to the guy in the room beyond, it just grinds them into the trial thing forever, wo cheating the quest stage with the console. but BoS being the easiest way to get power armor training before the very end of the game basically it grinds your game to a hault and puts you way back.


companions do not like rocky travel they will often go all the way around entire mtn ranges while you are scaling cliffs. suspect this is why the invisi walls were put in cause the ai is too dumb to know to jump, or even walkon rocks that do not require a jump to get on. sometime entering or exiting buildings to they can go awol sometimes just redoing the door again you can pull them back to you.


all in all lost 20 hours plus to glitches i had to roll back to either avoid the house thing or the corruptions.


then just the small bugs chats logs not firing correctly etc so you have ot try multiple times, getting stuck in rocks. general game crashes, etc etc.


thank god for wiki with bug reports and often time workarounds for some bugs and a handy list of quest ids if the need arises. lest it gives you handy place to check if you think something is off with your quest.

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i've done the "unlimited caps glitch" at the dino store and then on the gun runners store, so i've "bought" things for at least 100k at gun runners, then there was this funny kinda glitch that happened at the fort, see, i chose to crucify benny, then when i found benny hangin at the cross, another benny stood beside the cross i was like wtf? so i talked to him again and crucified him once more, now there's only 1 benny lol xD
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"Boon was carrying a Chainsaw of mine, which also vanished from his inventory."


I had the same thing with a minigun i gave him, reloaded to a previous save and watched him, and saw him throw it away at one point. Reloaded again, same thing again, when i went to pick up the minigun, i noticed it was broken (worn) to the point where it couldn't be used, so he must have tossed it aside.

Possibly what happened to your missing chainsaw?

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the only bug i've really had is with VATs.. sometimes when I hit the button to go to VATs the game will return to first person and my character will just "hang" for a few seconds where I can't move or shoot before it enters VATs, rather annoying when the enemy is on top of me since I can still be hurt
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