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Nuclear Winter


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This might be a big project, but how much would it take to re-do the Mojave desert to a winter theme? If changing all the outside terrain is too big of a job, then perhaps just adding a snow effect to hint at the beginning of a Nuclear Winter?


There are two reasons I'm even suggesting this.


1. We've played post-apocalyptic desert worlds before. We've seen it before. It's been done to DEATH. Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage was fun for me because it got me out of the desert and into winter, and it got me to thinking... why are there no games about a post-apocalyptia suffering from Nuclear Winter? It would be much different. Lost Planet 1 gets close, but only in that it's a nearly deserted frozen planet. It's not actually post-apocalyptic, and it's definitely not open ended. I'd love to see a Fallout game set in a winter setting.



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Sorry to be the voice of logic, but a Nuclear winter in the Mojave makes no sense.


1. It wasn't heavily nuked

2. It's already in a geographic location where it doesn't snow.


A nuclear winter is a worldwide phenomenon. Giant clouds of ash and radiation do that to the atmosphere.

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