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How do these maps work???


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I had left Gnisis and was heading back to Ald'Ruhn. I was off the beaten track investigating an area that I had not been to before. I walked down a ravine and found a smuggler's cave. I went into the cave and cleared it out. I came out and looked at my local map. The map showed the cave entrance (small square) and lit up a circular area around it. But the rest was black. Since I had to walk to get to the cave, why didn't the map show me the path that I took to get to the cave??? It is as though the map utility forgot something while I was in the cave. AFter walking a short distance, the map did show the main trail and I got back to where I was before going down that ravine. Looking back to the cave entrance, the path that I was walking after leaving the cave was lit up the way it should have been.


Was this a bug? Or, is there some short term memory loss built into the map utility?

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Sounds like a hitch in yer giddyup. My map does some odd things too from time to time. Annoying at times, but that's a computer for ya.


I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens over and over again, or you begin to see other degredations in your gameplay.

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Happens quite a lot and depends on where you've approached the cell from. You can get round it by leaving the cell and approaching it from a different direction. Might need one or two attempts but it will work.
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I get that a lot too. Most often with the first bandit cave near Seyda Neen, Muzziwotsit (forget the name) :P. I enter the cell it's in and it doesnt remove the fog, I just end up walking in black on the map. Wierd.
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