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TESSource 5 Year Anniversary Competition Thread


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The Elder Scrolls Source has been serving the Elder Scrolls community in one way or another for 5 years; providing download resources for Morrowind and Oblivion mods, early sneak-peaks on the games before their release and a forum community full of your usual psychotics and megalomaniacs.


To celebrate the 5 year anniversary of The Elder Scrolls Source we've team up with the great people at SplitReason.com to offer 3 lucky people a t-shirt of their choice from their store.


This competition is open to anyone in the world and we welcome anyone and everyone to enter. It won't take you too long!




The Competition


It's simple. Head on over to SplitReason.com to get an idea of what t-shirts they offer. Have you noticed there aren't any Oblivion or Morrowind t-shirts? Well there should be! We'll be giving away 3 t-shirts to the 3 people we believe have come up with the funniest, most original t-shirt concepts (queue Fargoth jokes!). You don't need to create any images if you don't want to; simply describe what design you'd put on the shirt and a funny slogan to go along with it.


All entries should go in THIS THREAD and should contain a description of the shirt design and the slogan or text that appears on the shirt. The shirt should be Morrowind or Oblivion related only.


The competition runs from the 16th of August 2006 until the 31st of August 2006.




The Normal Rules


- Only 1 entry per person/per IP address

- Judge's decision is final

- Only posts made in the forum competition thread will be counted as entries

- Winners will need to provide their address to SplitReason.com so they can deliver

- No cash alternative




Discussing The Competition (Off-Topic)


If you would like to talk about the competition, the anniversary or comment on entries please use the site news post

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Have you noticed there aren't any Oblivion or Morrowind t-shirts?
Not to knit-pick or anything, but I was of the opinion that there were Oblivion T-Shirts Click Here. They may be dull; but they are there :happy:


I think he means from the Split Reason store.


My idea:


On the front the Bethesda Softworks logo, with this "picture" (you would take a nice moment in the middle), with the text boom as well. For those who don't know, this was Pete Hines in a video interview. He was talking about how he made a weak fireball spell, with a huge radius. It barely did any damage but when shot... BOOM!!! he said all excited, using his arms to show it. (That big!)


Anyway, it has the description: Bethesda's crew. On the front you can also see the text: Bethesda's Official Slogan: "The more you play with us, the bigger we get!" <---- I'm not joking here. Two fishy stick pictures can found on the sleeves.


On the back a picture of Glarthir in conversation with you, saying something paranoid. (with subtitles, or else it's pointless), a picture of Falanu Hlaalu talking about necrophilia, M'aiq with one of his funny quotes, The emperor saying "You are the one from my dreams", and the Fork of Horripilation (with the name included). Under all those pictures you see this text: Bethesda's Creations.


That's the design, now the slogan: Crazy games and game companies make crazy fun!


If I don't win, I hope I will at least make a few people smile ;D

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Great contest :) As most of my characters end up joining in the Thieves Guild and I end up playing most of the time in in-game nighttime, hope you get the hang of my design...






Hey! A little sexual innuendo never hurted anyone... ;D


(08/19/06 EDIT --- I got around to put together an image in Photoshop... Hadn't had time to it until today...)

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Okay, this sounds funny, so I'll just try:



The offical sighn of Oblivion, and in front of it the king's amulet for picture.

Under this the text: Promises are hard to keep...



A picture of a character sitting or standing around with a tol of beautiful NPCs. (Full graphics off course!!!)

Under that the text: ...especially when it comes to oblivion! (and Oblivion in the original way that it's shown up on the start game screen ;) )



Just a little parody of the name "Oblivion" itself, but maybe funny to advertise with. ^^

Whatcha think?

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