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[REQ] Daily Jobs Mod


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Scavenger -- (Perception/Survival/Lockpick)

Not the most innovative job, but there's always something of value between the junk, and why not trade all those spare parts to engineers, military, farmers etc.?


Doctor -- (Medicine/Survival/Science)

Similar to Medical Assistant, but better educated in Medicine, Survival and Science. You can open up a your own surgery or clinic (there are lots of unused buildings). The Wasteland is a harsh place, with lots of threats and many ways to get injured, so you will never run out of customers.


Sheriff/Mayor -- (Guns/Speech)

You're responsible for a single settlement temporarily. Might be an interesting job if the town is constantly threatened by marauding raider gangs and fiends. Hey, even the locals could be criminals, stay on the look-out! (This actually ties in with Redding From Fallout 2)


Caravaneer -- (Barter/Survival/Endurance)

Keep your brahmins in line and deliver large amounts of goods from A to B. The longer the way, the higher the risk, the bigger the payment! Hire better Caravan guards and buy more pack-brahmins as your career develops.


Cardshaper -- (Agility/Luck/Speech)

Win a fortune by cheating in card games.


I think most if not all of these ideas, as well as the SW90's ideas are possible with good scripting.



Animal Tamer/Trader -- (Charisma,Strength, and Survival)

Kind of like the Slave breaker/tamer, this job could be about finding certain animals that people have requested and taming them as a pet, then you would have a choice of keeping or selling said animal for a sizable amout.(dependant on difficulty of animal)


Casino Owner -- (Barter,Speech,maybe perception to catch cheaters)

This job could put you in the position of a casino owner for the day or permenantly after casino specific quests have been done. Your objective is to make sure things are running smooth, i.e, alert gaurds of troublemakers, cheaters or any unsavoury types, send out for additional supplies or possibly oversee a game or two.


Smuggler -- (Charisma,Barter,perception, possibly luck)

Someone has approached you from a faction and asked you to smuggle something through another factions checkpoint to a specific person or place. You need to have high speech to talk your way through and perception so you know if your going to be spotted out and have to make a quick getaway.



Saboteur -- (Sneak, Lockpick, Explosives, even Science perhaps)


Like scout/infiltrator, Sneak into the said faction's camp/base and plant bugs inside key points, or even maybe tamper with supplies.

Perhaps a script that fails the mission if you are spotted or if you engage in combat with the said faction, and maybe even a patrol scripted around the area of your objective.


Supplier / Craftsman / Cook -- (Any thing that relates to gathering materials and then making something with it)


Gather the needed materials and craft something to fulfill a "order." Could be given out by camps looking for some extra supplies, or shops looking for a supplier for specific good. Among these lines, maybe even store-owner.


Minefield Specialist -- (Explosives, Repair, And Possibly Sneak)


Either planting minefields defenses or disabling them, could be though-out various locations between two opposing camps. Could add the possibility of a ambush testing what defenses you did manage to set up, or chasing you away form whats left the of the mines. It could also be something to add the Mercenary/raider type jobs, like setting up traps or portable bear traps.

Edited by simplywayne90
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Just kind of a proof of concept that these would make enjoyable gameplay.


Just one single job from this list can be a huge and popular mod by itself.


For Example:


Bounty Hunter

Meet with various NPCs and take assignments or targets, certain targets may be difficult to kill via certain conditions to complete, high level and equipment, or by misdirecting the player with charisma and dialog. After completing an assignment the player returns and recieves various types of payment or rewards.


A relatively simple description yes?


Yet New Vegas Bounties I is the top mod at Nexus and has been for quite some time.


This is something I just realized but still it now shows the extent of the Daily Jobs ideas can go.

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What 'bout a Store Owner?It would be kind of similar to the Casino Owner job,the skills needed would be Barter,Speech and and a third skill that would vary depending on the kind of shop(i.e. Medicine for Chems and Meds,Survival for Food and Water,Repair for Guns and Ammo,etc).


You would find an empty place(Like those stores at gas stations),you restore it,and keep it supplied.You work as the clerk for some time and later you would hire someone to do it for you,and it has to be someone you trust or he may steal from your gain.You would have to protect it from thieves,counterfeiters or unfriendly competition.You would have to make contracts with the main dealers(Gun Runners for Guns and ammo,Crimsom Caravan for Food and Water,the Great Khans for Chems and Meds,etc),of course you would had to give them a slice of the earnings or they'll cut your supply.With this kind of job you would only come arround from time to time to get your earnings(Like in GTA games).However you have to be careful about you're store's placement,it has to be near some major travel route or settlement,as no one will travel to the middle of nowere to buy a bottle of water.

Edited by Blake81
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What 'bout a Store Owner?It would be kind of similar to the Casino Owner job,the skills needed would be Barter,Speech and and a third skill that would vary depending on the kind of shop(i.e. Medicine for Chems and Meds,Survival for Food and Water,Repair for Guns and Ammo,etc).


You would find an empty place(Like those stores at gas stations),you restore it,and keep it supplied.You work as the clerk for some time and later you would hire someone to do it for you,and it has to be someone you trust or he may steal from your gain.You would have to protect it from thieves,counterfeiters or unfriendly competition.You would have to make contracts with the main dealers(Gun Runners for Guns and ammo,Crimsom Caravan for Food and Water,the Great Khans for Chems and Meds,etc),of course you would had to give them a slice of the earnings or they'll cut your supply.With this kind of job you would only come arround from time to time to get your earnings(Like in GTA games).However you have to be careful about you're store's placement,it has to be near some major travel route or settlement,as no one will travel to the middle of nowere to buy a bottle of water.


This reminds me a little of Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale.

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Here are some ideas from other places to add to discussion.


Blacksmith: Build weapons and armor to specific details for the gun runners or crimson caravan. Addional caps may be rewarded for completion time of contract and quality of goods.


Pest Exterminator (Guns/Melee/Exlosives)

Grab a flamer and burn the pesky critters! You go into the sewers beneath settlements, and also to nearby caves. Of course you will have to exterminate the occasional feral ghoul horde or other creatures that threaten the community. Hire employees if the amount of pests is beginning to get out of control.


Armorer (Repair/Science)

Use animal hide and worn clothes/leather to make new clothes and leather armors. Use scrap metal to make metal armor, and so on. Develop your skill until you are able to build Power Armors.


Arms Manufacturer (Repair/Science/Guns/Explosives/Energy Weapons)

Create new weapons from broken ones and spare parts. Develop your skill until you are able to make advanced weaponry and weapon mods.


Beggar (Speech)

Pass speech checks to sponge off the rich.


Revolutionary (Charisma/Speech)

Gather enough people around you to finally destroy the establishment! Get rid of Mr House, King, and all others who are in charge.


Entertainer (Charisma/Speech)

Tour around the Strip's casinos to earn money by entertaining the bored people. Be a comedian, a musician, a dancer or even a magician. Of course there are people who won't like your performances, so you have to train your skills to be a superstar. You will have to hire bodyguards to fight off crazed fans, stalkers, and the photographers which have been mentioned in the previous post.


Photographer: Take photos of events for people and also sell various photos of landmarks. There can be a shady side to this as well like taking photos of people for blackmail.


Troop Trainer - Maybe you are not the greatest soldier, but you can teach your collegues a trick or two. Train them so they can open that can of whoop-ass!


NCR Soldier (30 guns, 25 explosives, 35 repair, 40 survival)

I think it would be enjoyable to enlist as a soldier. Some form of basic training, then you serve a tour of duty which may consist of patroling, fighting, etc.

If possible it'd be nice to be able to advance in rank, to cololel, major, seargent, ranger etc. I understand this would be very complicated but very worthwile. You are judged

by efficeny and subordinance, and if you have exceptional guns, repair, and explosives skills, you may be drafted into the Rangers.

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Here are some more ideas from the community, hope some of these ideas are incorporated into a mod or multiple mods someday.


Why not make "Quarry Junction' into a working mining outpost for the betterment of the NCR again.

The Ncr could ask you to assist in retaking the quarry by first hunting down all the Deathclaws (survival), and then slowly restore the quarry to working order.

You might have to supply materials scrap metal ect and use repair to restore and make stuff, and intelligence and science to activate and calibrate the mining sensors/machinery ect

Eventually the cement they are making again could be used for something other then hover dam.

Maybe even making some outposts allong the road to new vegas.


NCR functionary (Speech/Barter):

Work as a bureaucrat in one the NCR goverment branches. Negotiate with settlements (to annex towns like Novac, Goodsprings etc.), gather taxes, take bribes (for agreeing to dispatch more troops to provide "protection" for annexed towns (or any other kind of help, you name it; or for providing more convinient condition for NCR corporation like Crimsom Caravan or Van Graffs). Literally - it's an inexhaustable source of such scenarios. Remember Enoch Johnson, who controlled everyone in Atlantic City? Yeah, he's also a functionary (a high-ranked one). And who said that a goverment official should be skillful only in his verbal abilities?


NCR Ranger(Guns/Stealth/Explosives/Science (depending on the role))


Before you say it's the same as soldier - think twice. Rangers are a separate branch of armed forces, so called "creme de la creme", and hence, the best fighting force NCR can put against the Legion and the Brotherhood. Somehow, however, these guys are mostly represented only as "these uber-l33t guys wearing military-grade pre-war riot-police hardened armor with helmets with glowing eyes!!!11" in minds of most casual gamers. But what about other rangers out there, who don't own these fancy items, but still perform "the ordinary routine duty", which could easily kill any other ordinary soldier? It's time to correct this unfairness and change their overall image.


If you're in really good relations with NCR and managed to complete all offered missions for local rangers on the Mojave Outpost, you can try and enlist into their ranks (possibly with a speech check). You begin as a trainee (unless you completed more missions for NCR military), and get a task to test your skills (like the ability to sneak, sniper skills, handle computers etc.). If you're able to perform most of this task, then you're lucky to become a proud member of a friendly ranger family. As this mod aims to show the daily duties of diffirent professions, then I suggest to focus on showing the tasks of lower rank rangers (like the ones who're are stationed in Station Foxtrot, out of the Legion's harms way - they still have their own tasks, which were pretty much omitted). The key is to make your own carreer within this organisation, heading up from Mojave Outpost straight to the Camp Golf, but before you should get transferred through all other stations and solve problems they have there.


The rough progress should look like:


Mojave outpost, where you receive the initial civilian outfit of the ranger (along with hat, a brand-new lever-action rifle for which you get mods as a reward for completing the missions) and glasses (quests here: battling with wildlife, elimination of Jackals and their leaders, training caravaneers to protect themselves etc.)->


Station Foxtrot (scouting around Khans territory and specifically the Red Rock Canyon, killing their drug couriers (or even foil their deals with buyers from Fiends), keep an eye on the nearby Vault 22 ( for example, by stopping the breakthrough of the wildlife and abominations which breed and spawn there) and the ski lodge (negotiate with Marcus to hunt down rogue Nightkins, who escaped the treatment and became dangerous) ->


Transfer to one of battlefront stations (where you're issued a set of ranger combat armor and a trail carbine) where you'll have to take care of radio-equipment (that's where you'll need science or repair skills), track down and destroy Legion frumentarii teams, ravage legion supply lines (by hunting for Legion-protected caravans), capture prisoners for interrogation or recruitment (strengh attribute check (for torturing) or speech skills (for verbal solutions)) etc.->


Camp Golf, where you finally become a veteran ranger, get your own Veteran armor, Ranger Sequoia and Brush Gun (with upgrades, if you make it compatible with WMX). Possible tasks for this place may include deep raids behind the enemy lines (will require some expansions of the eastern part of the map), destroying their raid camps, killing centurions etc. At this point you can also get a position of new station Charlie commander with the task to recruit a new team of rangers and restore the devastated outpost.


P.S.: I specially mentioned Station Foxtrot as a place, that I think has more potential, but was left simply undone by Obsidian. The mountain sector of the map deserves more mysteries and more quest to complete. So do the ordinary, civilian looking rangers.

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This is actually an insanely good idea. While not only would this work for caps, and time wasting, it could help with XP. I find this an excellent idea. Good idea, sir. There's just one idea I don't like (don't troll me on this) the drug dealer. I want to stay away from drugs in real life, and I even stay away from drugs in NV, lol.. So yeah, if this mod became a reality, I would definitely download it.
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Heres a new one I thought up while working on a mod for placeable traps and triggers.



Similar to hunter, your job is to capture and kill various animals in ways that allow people to use them to the fullest, as a trapper your skills allow you to retrieve things like skins and more meat that would be ruined if the animal was killed by gunfire or melee combat.


Ambush Setup Mercanary

Your job is simple but cruel, you must design and set the traps to ensure the most damage to an oncoming patrol of an enemy faction. You pay is dependant on the damage and death you inflict with your set-up. At your disposal are grenade bouquets, tripwires, bear traps, and land mines.

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Detective - Being hired by settlements to settle matters of law breaking, Finding out Who "dunnit!", collecting evidence, Puzzles etc. Killing People and the like. Sherlock Holmes of the Wastes.


Seriously, if these could be intergrated into a mod it would be one of the best things ever, Imagine the Immersion. it would be incredible. Too bad i cant mod for crap :whoops:

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