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Should America re-invent it self?


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To begin...Obama has not been in office for 4 years the last time I checked. The main issue I think is present is this...A great many Americans can't stand to work hard or wait for anything anymore. They want it all and they want it now. The mess we are in was not created over night, I suspect that parts of it have been going on since the Reagan Era. I am of the mind that no president, Democrat or Republican would have gotten anything but the short end of the stick on this one. Everyone wanted too much change too fast, wanted all this mess to go away so they could go back to their lives of conspicuous consumption.


Well to get out of all this is gonna take work from EVERYONE. Everyone is gonna have to suffer a bit and suck it up. But more than anything Americans and the people they have elected into government need to learn to compromise. That is what made our forefathers great....the willingness to give a little to get a little. It seems no one wants to do that. They would rather get nothing done than to lose a little bit.


As far as American's reinventing themselves...No...I think they need to rediscover themselves. What were the things that made America powerful? What things did other nations used to respect us for? The willingness to work hard, to keep our word, to put aside differences in times of need and to give people a fair shake. No it hasn't always been easy and it hasn't always been pretty.


I have to say I am pretty angry at how the elections went. I do not like the Tea Party or the things for which they stand...but I give them marks for getting out there and spilling their rhetoric to whomever would listen to it. The liberals and democrats...what did I hear from them? NOTHING! Where was there answer to the Tea Party?


I vote, always....I try to be aware of the candidates as best I can. try to get information for various sources to get a balanced outlook at them. But most people don't. Hell the State I live in voted for a Governor after he had been in PRISON...because why?.....straight-ticket voting and name recognition. It is no longer enough just to vote. I have decided that I need to get out there and let my voice be heard. If the other side is gonna sound out then so am I. But mostly...I am gonna sound off to everyone to get off their collective arses, quit whining about whose fault it is or was and get things done. It isn't time to reinvent....the basis which our founding fathers left us are sound and well-thought out...its time to rediscover that again.

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As far as American's reinventing themselves...No...I think they need to rediscover themselves. What were the things that made America powerful? What things did other nations used to respect us for? The willingness to work hard, to keep our word, to put aside differences in times of need and to give people a fair shake. No it hasn't always been easy and it hasn't always been pretty.


I have to say I am pretty angry at how the elections went. I do not like the Tea Party or the things for which they stand...but I give them marks for getting out there and spilling their rhetoric to whomever would listen to it. The liberals and democrats...what did I hear from them? NOTHING! Where was there answer to the Tea Party?


I vote, always....I try to be aware of the candidates as best I can. try to get information for various sources to get a balanced outlook at them. But most people don't. Hell the State I live in voted for a Governor after he had been in PRISON...because why?.....straight-ticket voting and name recognition. It is no longer enough just to vote. I have decided that I need to get out there and let my voice be heard. If the other side is gonna sound out then so am I. But mostly...I am gonna sound off to everyone to get off their collective arses, quit whining about whose fault it is or was and get things done. It isn't time to reinvent....the basis which our founding fathers left us are sound and well-thought out...its time to rediscover that again.




First off i agree that we do not need to reinvent ourselves and that rediscovering the core identity of our country is more to the point. There was a time in which this country made things instead of being a service provider, we HAD a work efficacy that was admired an emulated world wide ..no longer. The disintegration of our manufacturing base is appalling, within a short space of time we will no longer be able to produce the specialized material requisite for our own national security. The illusory goal of Free Trade must be abandoned, we are building the infrastructure of nations like China instead of our own. It was our infrastructure, educational system and manufacturing base that made us the dominant world power in the last century, all things that we are allowing to slide into the abyss now.


I am not of your opinion on the recent elections, it was a direct repudiation of the policies of the current administration. There has not been a shift this large since 1948. It is my view that the electoral process is the vehicle for change and that it has been exercised. BUT it is about time for co operation between the contending parties, we cannot wait or waste the time that is before us. There seems to be two competing ideologies for the soul of the country instead of one, neither left nor right have all the answers. The founding fathers understood the value of moderation and built that in to the framework of the government, we seem to have lost the concept of the overall good of the nation superseding party politics.


The core problem that we face is unsustainable spending, there will come a time when federal bond issues will be as valuable as junk bonds and our foreign creditors will no longer have any faith in our ability to repay the debt issues. All imperial powers reached a state in which the cost of maintaining their reach exceeded their ability to support it, we have to be cognizant of the lessons of history and adjust our world posture accordingly. All that being said I have great confidence in our ability to step up to the plate and perform in a crunch but we need to return to earlier values that made our nation strong when the individual citizen had a strong sense of 'civitas'. Though not of my political end of the spectrum JFK was right when he said "Ask not what my country can do for me but what I can do for my country".

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While I can pretty much agree with both Lisnpuppy and Aurielius, I believe that Lisnpuppy has hit the nail right on the head, and in fact has broadened what I said in my earlier post and articulated it much more clearly than I.


I do believe that there were some liberals and Democrats out there, but obviously they were not getting the same kind of media attention from the so-called liberal press. Maybe they were once again just afraid to be loud and forthright. We have to get over that. There is a Coffee Party out there with some fairly good ideas, but we didn't hear much about them.


Although I can agree with some of what Aurielius has to say, I believe that his focus may need to be redirected. His first paragraph is true, although the goal of being the dominant world power is less important in my opinion than being a world power capable of maintaining and sustaining a reasonable and logical growth level that does not require "world domination"


I totally disagree that the recent elections were a "direct repudiation of

the politics of the current administration". I harken back to Lisnpuppy's post regarding our unwillingness to accept the least amount of hardship and our total lack of patience. We, as Americans tend to want what we want when we want it. As I mentioned in my earlier post, there are no magic wands here. But we are spoiled, and dare I say, in some cases somewhat sheep like. There was no instant change, so someone came along and said "no, he didn't do it, but we can. Vote for us". So we did. Well, guess what? These are the same guys who had not been doing it for the prior 8 years. But we're still looking for that magic wand.


With regard to the "unsustainable spending", it is my opinion that the

banks and the disastrous derivative markets have come close to bankrupting the entire world, let alone this Nation. Right now in this Nation, our government is the only player with money to spend. If we don't spend it to get our economy moving, it just is not going to start moving, period the end. Look back to the days of FDR, and think very hard about what he had to do. Think about what Hoover almost did to our Nation's economy. Don't talk for a moment. Just think for a bit about it.


This is not about politics. I don't think that Silver DNA ever meant for it to be about politics. This is about reality. This is about our Nation, not reinventing itself, but rebuilding itself before it is too late.


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Omg that is so brilliant ,what a simple and clear way to give so much understanding to such a complex subject matter

Yeah... the problem is that he's a Marxist... So, not gonna happen because of all those people who fight tooth and nail against anything even remotely associated with socialism, even when it might possibly lead to a solution.

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Omg that is so brilliant ,what a simple and clear way to give so much understanding to such a complex subject matter

Yeah... the problem is that he's a Marxist... So, not gonna happen because of all those people who fight tooth and nail against anything even remotely associated with socialism, even when it might possibly lead to a solution.

No joke he's a Marxist, his views have a snowball's chance in Hell of ever being adopted.....no thanks, rather eat glass first.

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