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a few mod ideas and requests


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so. i have a few ideas and requests. the first is a mod that lets you reset the memory cash. the purgeCellBuffers console command does this, but i think it would be nice to have a mod that lets you do it from the mod manager in skyUI. and maby have it tell you how much memory is allready taken up. i know that the memory patch fixes the memory problem, but sometimes its not enough.

another request is a mod that essentially lets you restart the game from the begining with your characters lvls and items intact, like a new game+ mode. i mean, every time i beat the game and the DLC i just delete the character and start a new one because lvling just gets boring after that.

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the first request is because i have the memory patch but i still have to save and quit every once and a while to empty the cache. i just want an easy way to empty it without having to go threw the 5 minute start up load.


and i dont want to jump to a high level, or do speed lvling. i want to train like normal and then reset the game and play on a harder difficulty from the begining.

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