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Better FPS, No stutters - No pagefile and disabled SuperFetch and Read


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I have 4GB of RAM and two HD 4850s in Xfire mode. Running Windows 7 64-bit.

And I have the dx9.dll fix installed.


I was pulling my hair out trying to get rid of frame rate drops and stuttering. In desperation, I disabled SuperFetch and set my pagefile to "none" ....


Amazing. All settings maxed out / V-sync enabled ... 60 fps finally! No hiccups. I can finally enjoy the wasteland.


Individual results may vary.




CPU: Core2 E8500 (o'cd to 4GHz @ 1.25***volts)

Heatsink: Freezer 7 Pro

Motherboard: Gigabyte X48-DS4

Graphics: HIS Radeon HD4850 IceQ4 TurboX (2 in XfireX )

Memory: 4GB Dominator 1060Mhz

PSU: Corsair 750w

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Disable superfetch, pagefile, and readyboost?


Highly suspicious. Windows gets very unstable without a pagefile and superfetch.


I do not believe this and suspect you are pushing false information to cause more issues for people.

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...Even if you have 24gb of ram,windows needs virtual memory!Superfetch gives better starting/loading times to the applications that you are using the most!...ReadyBoost is irrelevant!

Maybe it was only the dll fix;) or some update/patch that gave you smooth gameplay!

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...Even if you have 24gb of ram,windows needs virtual memory!Superfetch gives better starting/loading times to the applications that you are using the most!...ReadyBoost is irrelevant!

Maybe it was only the dll fix;) or some update/patch that gave you smooth gameplay!


I think the dedicated drive I had my pagefile on was too slow.... or faulty.


I'm not sure which change (no pagefile or disabling SuperFetch) got rid of the stutter. Again, this could only apply to my rig.

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Disable superfetch, pagefile, and readyboost?


Highly suspicious. Windows gets very unstable without a pagefile and superfetch.


I do not believe this and suspect you are pushing false information to cause more issues for people.


Why would I want to cause issues? All I can tell you is I have smoother gameplay w/ no pagefile and SuperFetch disabled.


I can only speak to a gaming performance increase. Maybe having a web browser, iTunes, etc.. all open at once would be adversely affected by my changes.

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well disabling pagefiles is a pretty widely debated topic from gamers in general, some claim they do it and have no ill effects, other claim it causes issues and unstability. my buddy does it but hes got like 20 some gig of ddr3 ram or something along those lines and claims he has no issues and everything runs better.


i guess it depends how much ram you got to begin with and its speed, on the surface of it to my mind at lest forcing a pc to use ram which is going to be much faster than disk caching, no matter how you slice it should in theory give you better boost to system speed. but having only 4 gig of ram in a 64 bit os with usually a ton of stuff running i would be hesitent for myself to test it in practice. fonv tho by default should address no more than 2 gig of ram, unless you are using a 4 gig enabler hook on it, so 4 gig you might squeek by if your not running 10 web pages, etc to boot.


you video card could also play if you got a monster video card with tons of ram so most of your textures are going to the card wholesale and not having to cach some of them to disk to stream them into memory, then you results might vary there also.


but if it works for you do it.

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  • 7 years later...

I know this is a old post, but he's right. Disabling both superfetch, and the page file seems to fix my problems. There is still some load stutters (Due to super slow hdd), but none after that. I have 8gb ddr4 ram so maybe that makes up for the no page file.

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Disabling the system pagefile is not a performance enhancement and WILL lead to more system problems. The issue is if it is being used at all, you have too many open or background processes running, or the pagefile is sized too small, for the amount of available system memory. Please see this article which does a good job of explaining it and the mitigations.


Now "superfetch service" is a reasonable idea (primarily for speeding up the boot process) that doesn't work so well on some systems. Disabling it has provided immediate, measurable relief for some users. This article (while the article is written for Win10, the service was introduced in Vista) explains it and some mitigations. (It's not so much "superfetch" as "Windows Search" and similar processes trying to index your drive and tying it up.)


Re: Stuttering or "micro-stutters". All visual stuttering problems are caused by the video stream having to wait for the "art assets" required to render the display OR the game writing something to disk (such as a save game file or logging). Mostly these are due to the hard disk drive being orders of magnitude slower than VRAM, with System RAM (e.g. "ENBoost") and "solid state drives" (SSDs) being in between. Keep in mind that this game was designed for older PC and XBox console systems, and it is now possible for your new "latest and greatest" gaming machine to be faster than it can handle. There are internal design choices that cannot be overcome. The "video pipeline" has always been prone to problems. The following are "mitigations" that have been found to help some people.

Please see the following entries under the 'Solutions to Performance problems' section in the wiki Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide if you haven't already.
* 'Issue: "Full screen mode" exhibits CTDs and stutters or micro-stutters'
* 'Issue: Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed'
* 'Issue: Win10 Screen tearing in "Borderless Windowed Mode"'
* 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu' for other settings that can indirectly affect micro-stutter.
* There are also some NVSR configuration suggestions under the 'Issue: Game in slow motion' and entries.
* The 'Issue: What's with these Solid Green billboard signs in the distance (LOD)?' entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section can also help if your problems started after you installed VWD/LOD texture packages.
* If you are using CASM or some similar "auto-save" mod to manage your save game files (recommended), try increasing the "time between saves" set in the "save frequency"; and reducing the number of occasions it saves to the minimum (e.g. disable most "Autosave Events" in CASM) and see how that impacts the game seeming to freeze temporarily.
* If you have "NVSE logging" enabled (see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide), disable it until actually needed.

Reading from or writing to disk for any reason is the slowest thing the game does.

The size of your image files also has an impact. Larger/higher resolution is not always "better". Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article.

As you can see, there are a number of things that can underlie your problem. If one of these doesn't fix it, I would be interested to hear about any eventual solution that does.


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