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NV Enclave mod


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Thanks to all for the support and valuable ideas.



Please understand that it does not make much sense to send out scripts right now as most dialogues are not finished yet. But i will send out PMs to everyone who PMed me or posted here as soon as the first release version is finished. You will get to apply for any character - if several people apply for one imma negotiate. I am sure everyone can find something he/she likes. We're flexible here - i made all charatcers male as typically we seriously lack female gamers, but if a female player vouches to voice some part i got no problem with switching a character to a female.



Stuff that is already finished:


- Enclave base background

- Enclave command bunker

- Enclave access tunnel

- Most main characters

- Most main quests

- Helios One occupying forces

- Black mountain relay terminal

- Enclave ending scene



Stuff I am still working on:


- Companions and their scripts, quests, etc

- Side quests

- some minor enclave characters

- Enclave control and occupation posts

- Hoover dam enclave forces

- Additional dialogues and quest conditions



I am unsure if i will add much work into NCR/BOS sabotage missions, maybe a spy for each faction that offers some quests but i can't reasonably add too much, the scope of this mod is already enormous. Imma think of some reasonable options to stand up against the enclave but as much as i wish i can't build new worlds for BOS here. I will leave the mod open to work smoothly together with possible BOS related mods. I could imagine making a BOS related mod after this, but what i would like to do for the BOS is too much for one mod, i wanna get this finished in a reasonable amount of time (Goal is still this year, at least some beta).

I can't do very much with my horrible modding skill, but I can probably build a safehouse or something easy like that. I am probably more trouble then I am worth :whistling:

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Thanks again for the support everyone. I don't think i will move the enclave base as so far we don't have any DLC available, so even if it's in the way i guess the enclave fans will all have finished it before the first DLC is available anyways. Also i can't think of too many halfway reasonable other places that leave room for some explanation like "the enclave kept this base secret" or so.



@ antonkr, i will just put you on the beta test list for dubbing. maybe you find a voice you wanna do. I cant imagine we would use a safehouse off-base but maybe in an update or so. At the moment i don't think we'll focus on that now.

Edited by fronzelneekburm
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i'd like to help, my modding skills are close to none, but my english is very good and i could voice-act/help imagine story etc.


p.s. i'm dutch, but i speak american english with an american accent. (perhaps a dutch immigrant enclave soldier? :P)



Edited by the dutch guy
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im not the best voice actor in the world

as a matter of fact i never have voice acted before but i might be 14 years old and have a pretty older sounding voice so if you need any voices from any younger(not children) it would be my pleasure to voice act. after i get a mic for my pc

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