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New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) RELEASED!


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So, is there any chance we can get a version that does *NOT* require the Steam Community? I have it permanently disabled on my system, because I despise it. I went on a campaign - after the Orange Box was released - to get the ability to disable it for the OB games, that's how much I hate it. If I enabled it for this one mod, I would have to manually disable it for every other game I own (which is a lot). That's extremely cumbersome. A version that works without Steam Community would be greatly appreciated.


Anyone? Is there a specific reason why NVSE requires Steam Community? If it's required due to some technical issue, I'll understand and work around it. But if it's at all possible to get a version that doesn't utilize SC, then I would appreciate it very much.

The Steam community needs to be enabled because it contains the code that loads NVSE. Due to the copy protection on the runtime executable, we can't use DLL injection like we did with Oblivion and Fallout 3. Some regions seem to have runtime exes that run directly, in which case just use nvse_loader like you did with previous games.


Not the answer I was hoping for, but understandable. I'll just deal with turning Steam Community on and off when I play New Vegas. I appreciate the response.

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The current version doesn't work for me at all. No errors, no crashes, it just doesn't work. Running "GetNVSEVersion" returns "no such script command" (exact wording escapes me, same message you'd get just typing gibberish).


I've followed the very letter of the install instructions about 10 times, re-downloaded the latest (beta 5), verified the game's version matches the one in the readme. The NVSE log file confirms the version is correct. I've tried running from Steam normally, and running from the included exe. Again, no errors, but no NVSE.


Game version: (Steam)

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Mods: a bunch of ESPs, nothing that goes outside of the Data directory (like the 4 GB hack)


Note: this computer has had no trouble running OBSE or similar extensions.


Same problem.

Game version: (Steam)

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Maybe some Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit compatibility problems?


Same issue here. Installed all NVSE files according to the install instructions on the website, but no NVSE in-game.


On Win7 Pro 64-bit. Fallout Mod Manager saw NVSE installed so it updated its launcher button, but that is a no-go as well. I see the nvse_loader.exe window pop up when launching but the version command is not recognized ingame, so the dll is not being loaded.


Disappointing... what can we do to troubleshoot other than just seeing that it is NOT properly loaded?

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I don't know if anyone can help but I can't find anyone having the same problem I am. I just have the regular Steam version with no 4GB hack or anything, I have the Steam community in-game enabled but no matter what I do whenever I try to use NVSE it loads the game fine but once the game is running it's now unplayably slow. I'm talking 1-4 fps here :unsure: . I haven't even activated any mods that use NVSE yet as I wanted to enure it was working first but guess not. Any ideas?


Windows 7 64-Bit and I followed all the instructions to the letter. If I delete all the files related to NVSE the game runs fine again. Can't think of anything in my load order causing problems but maybe there is?


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] Compiled Patch.esp

[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp

[ ] CASM.esp

[X] GoodspringsHome.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] Rich Traders - 10x.esp

[X] FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp

[X] Easy Unlocking and Hacking.esp

[X] pyDoF.esp

[X] EarlyWeapons.esp

[X] keepcompanionperks.esp

[X] Slower Level Rates - x2.0.esp

[X] levelcap45.esp

[X] 9mmUSP.esp

[ ] Sprint Mod.esp

[X] SimpleStripMarkers21603.esp

[X] RefinedCasinoPeople&Suits.esp

[X] ExtendedNVRadio.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear-Nightvision Blue.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp

[X] Emperical Weather.esp

[X] URWLNV.esp

[X] Merged.esp




I'm having the same issue. your not the only one and it doesn't look like we have any mods in common except for the perk every level mod.


Does any one else have this issue or have any idea what might be causing it?


If anyone is having the same problems as this poor wretched soul, you may seek forgiveness by disabling all of your mods and then re-enabling them one by one AND testing each in game to find the offending plugin.


Now where is yanni so we can praise him for sharing this info?

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I also have the same issue with this windows 7 users. but myn is a 32Bit and it just crashes before it starts if i run ether NVSE launcher or through FOMM.


It worked perfectly before xmas, and i tested it where i disabled ALL Mods and only letting the falloutNV.esm run, and yet it still crashes so it is not a mod conflict!


So no idea wtf is going on ;/


yet obse and Fose work perfectly fine!

Edited by hinigashi
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I've been having a slow escalation of problems for a week or so now until the game would refuse to load at all starting yesterday. I've tried multiple different angles (uninstalling, reinstalling, removing all mods, checking them one by one, etc.) and it seems to be something going on with NVSE as the game is loading to full-screen play mode.


For a while now I've been having errors where when I'd load the game through FOMM clicking the NVSE button, the Steam box would pop up, and then the New Vegas loading screen where you click Play to actually load the game, and the sound wouldn't play and it'd crash out. Just canceling out of the error and trying again would work.


Then yesterday, it suddenly got much more severe where I could only get it to correctly load once every 10 to 15 tries. If I disable NVSE, the game loads fine from FOMM or the regular launcher.


I've discovered if I go through the process from FOMM with NVSE enabled and click Play as quickly as possible when the New Vegas loading box comes up, just as the error box is popping up, the game will still load and the NVSE check with the console ingame still comes back as '1', even when I alt-tab out to cancel out of the error box.


So is it something going on only in the launch of the game process?


EDIT: Well, so much for the speed click workaround, that doesn't work anymore either. The game does still load sometimes, but I have to launch from FOMM a good 10-15 times per try to finally get the music to play when the New Vegas login box loads up.

Edited by Cemm
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