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Favorite Class?



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  1. 1. What is your favorite class? and whats your favorite game mode?

  2. 2. Whats your favorite Game Mode?

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I also personally love playing Designated Marksmen sort of thing

M14/T88 with 4x scope. Snipe at medium range, and when you have to get close and personal. Mortar strikes also can get some ludicrously large amount of kills

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snipers can get irritating, especially when no-one runs in, i like the no sniper map :)

unless i am sniping, then sniping is cool, lol

but i prefer, either engineer or assault

Edited by DarkWolf V
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  • 4 weeks later...

I love Assault, since the Xm8 is a great weapon until you get the m416, which is even better. Also, grenade launchers are great for destroying buildings and lightly armored vehicles like Jeeps.


Engineer is great as well, I love the versatility of the submachine gun, the only thing I wish was I could use my UMP45 as Recon for that cool ghillie suit camouflage! The drill is much funner to use than the standard knife, but the knife is quieter and you get dog tags, although the achievement "The Dentist" (get a headshot with the drill) is fun too :S


Recon is not very good for me since I am probably the worst sniper ever. I only use it with the G3, M1A1, or shotguns.


I like Medic. but the light machine guns are really not my favorite things to use (you know what they say, the bigger the gun, the smaller the.. :whistling: )


Conquest is by far my favorite game type because it combines Capture the Flag with Deathmatch, and it's vehicle based, because nothing beats blowing up a jeep with a big tank shell from an Abrams!

Edited by frakle
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I love playing as medic on close quarter maps and recon on large sniping maps or sometimes I just use the the G3 with the recon class. I got to say my favorite game mode is Squad Deathmatch on Arica Harbor or Oasis. Though I do also like rush.
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Assault, gotta love their assault rifles. Especially the M416.


I only go Recon when i'm playing as the Russians, simply because the Russian Recon sounds badass :D. But i mostly use a VSS with a red dot sight, as my motion sensors helps a lot when we're assaulting a base.

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recon with M95 or medic with whatever. i love playing the healer in games but i got dang good with the recon and so its my other fav class now.


hate rush with a passion...so conquest or deathmatch for me

Edited by hoofhearted4
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  • 2 weeks later...

i really like recon, i use a 4x scope whenever possible, unless it would be more pertanet to break out the m-95 12X


also i don't go for hundreds of kills, i usually spot the enemy first (or a group) and then take the shot in case i miss). also i'll wait for an enemy to try to repair his vehicle, and kill him. and i love using my mortar strike for tactical destruction..


all in all i try to be as much credit to the team that i can, with my very powerful short-medium range semi-auto silenced rifle.

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