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Yep if you go to where the dead alchemist named Sinderion used to live there is a secret switch right beside the bed. When you activate it, it will cause the orb to appear as a small sun and effectively banish all the falmer that reside in Black reach.



just kidding don't take me seriously there is no lever to do that

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Yep if you go to where the dead alchemist named Sinderion used to live there is a secret switch right beside the bed. When you activate it, it will cause the orb to appear as a small sun and effectively banish all the falmer that reside in Black reach.



just kidding don't take me seriously there is no lever to do that

I was about to try that XD!

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Yup, and now we will have an influx of comments saying that can't find that secret switch. :yes:

Because they didn't bother to read further that you were pulling their chain. :cool:


My guess is someone will actually make that a mod and then your trolling will have been in vain. :tongue:

Except for the people that still can't find the secret switch that may - or may not be there. :devil:

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