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Nifskope and Geck Questions


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I wanted to combine a bunch of the parts from Tailor maid in nifskope in order to make a "suit" of armor, but i ran in to difficulties and was hoping someone had some advice to share.


i was able to combine everything i wanted in nifskope and save it. it will reopen so i know that the .nif file is not corrupt.


in the GECk i made a new item but when i try to attach the .nif to it, the preview window goes blank and it will crash New Vegas if i try to wear the item.


any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I couldn't tell you. all i did was open one .nif pick the part i want and copied the branch. and then pasted it onto another .nif file.


This is how i used to do it in oblivion but i never tried in Fallout 3.


how do i find data blocks and texture assignments.


thanks for the quick reply btw

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should be a sub block of the tri strips data iirc.


i was having the problem too. after i set up the nif, the preview in the geck would be invisible, showing just the ground plane. my textures were assigned in whatever the default texture block was when opening the original nif.....


BSShader sounds familiar. i would have to look when i get home, but im hoping i can also find an answer to the problem here.

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from my experience, if it show fine in nifskope but it crash the game and the geck it's because somehow your pexporter exported materials as NiMaterialProperty instead of BSShaderPPLightingProperty


I have been asking around what causes the export to do this and i haven't found anything so far.

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should be a sub block of the tri strips data iirc.


i was having the problem too. after i set up the nif, the preview in the geck would be invisible, showing just the ground plane. my textures were assigned in whatever the default texture block was when opening the original nif.....


BSShader sounds familiar. i would have to look when i get home, but im hoping i can also find an answer to the problem here.



this is my exact problem


from my experience, if it show fine in nifskope but it crash the game and the geck it's because somehow your pexporter exported materials as NiMaterialProperty instead of BSShaderPPLightingProperty


I have been asking around what causes the export to do this and i haven't found anything so far.


ill look into how to tell it to export as BSShaderPPLightingProperty.


if i figure something out ill let you guys know.

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Okay to put it simply if in nifscope when inspecting your model hierarchy you have :


NiNode > NiTriStrips(or NiTriShape) > BSShaderPPLightingProperty > BSShaderTextureSet

You are good and the model will "work"


But in my case, my exporter has problems sometimes and export:

NiNode > NiTriStrips(or NiTriShape) > NiTexturingProperty


Fallout and the geck will CRASH if you open it.


I haven't found any logic to it so far, some models come out with BSShader and a few modifications later as NiTexturingProperty



When it happens i open a healty nif file and right click on a BSShaderPPLightingProperty "Copy Tree" then "Paste" where the NiTexturingProperty is, copy the texture list in the BSShaderTextureSet and delete the NiTexturingProperty and it's child blocks.

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