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Spellcheck on forums


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I was wondering why the general forums (like this one) don't have any spellcheck compatibility while the modpage forums has a basic spellcheck? I would really appreciate having spellcheck on these forums as well as my spelling is so horrible it is embarassing. thanks for listening

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LoL Obviously your spell check is not working because spell check is two words :laugh: However the problem is on your end. Spell checkers work on all forums because it is a function on your browser :excl: You have probably turn it off.

Edited by Psijonica
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I don't know what happened but it is working now...computers can be so weird. Sometimes I feel like the first part of bbens signature applies to technology in general at least in my case it does. :laugh:

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  • 6 months later...

I was wondering why the general forums (like this one) don't have any spellcheck compatibility while the modpage forums has a basic spellcheck? I would really appreciate having spellcheck on these forums as well as my spelling is so horrible it is embarassing. thanks for listening

How do I fix this. I can spell check if I disable the scripts from Nexus but with the richtext editor on no spell checking for my firefox either. Restarting with addons disabled has no effect. I like the rich text editor. I could set it dissabled in my user console I suppose. Seems a shame though.


plaggy flagm migipligle frl? fligglY? smoogopl plippy poopy bpants round bottom-ish.

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Spell check is a part of your browser. It would be redundantly redundant for Nexus to check spelling also. (and slow things down while it checked) Most browsers require you to turn the spell check on and select a particular dictionary to use. (US English, UK English etc.) As how to do this can be different for different browsers, google how to set up spell check for your specific browser. :cool:

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