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Slight NPC boost


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I want a very small thing, that won't take much time from anybody. And I'd be just as happy (actually, I'd be even happier) if, instead of doing it, somebody just told me how to do it without editing every NPC form in the CK. All I want to do is give all NPCs that aren't followers an extra 50 health, magicka and stamina by means of an ability with that exact effect. It wouldn't affect the player, followers, or animals, but it would affect all humans, elves (including orsimer and falmer), beast folk and daedra (including atronachs). And that's it, that's all I want. A script that adds an ability to all NPCs. I can make the ability not affect creatures, the player or their followers myself. Can anybody either do that, or tell me how to do it?

Edited by Seattleite
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So, somebody explain why simple, reasonable requests that would take considerably less than an hour and basically no effort from anybody, made under the explicit pretence that the poster is willing to do most or all of the work if he's just told how to do it are COMPLETELY ignored, while unrealistic nonsense requests nobody could ever do from people unwilling to participate even the slightest bit get all the attention of everybody on the site who could actually be, you know, DOING SOMETHING instead of wasting their time talking about a mod that absolutely will not be made, ever, under any circumstances?


I'd really appreciate that information, because for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Edited by Seattleite
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You are complaining that nobody responded under 1 hour. If its honestly that simple why not just do it? Everyone volunteers time out of their day for modding. Most of us work full time jobs. Don't expect a response under an hour and to have it all ready to go for you.


Just by looking at the request, its not as simple as it may seem. You'll need to look more into how you can use keywords / factions with spell abilities. Scripting isn't that simple and that is why i try to avoid them and stick to just conditions - like mentioned above.


So, somebody explain why simple, reasonable requests that would take considerably less than an hour and basically no effort from anybody,



Do it yourself if its so simple and only takes an hour. Why even request it?


If you want to do it the quickest way without finding the best way (which enviably may be the faster way but sorry I can't appease to your requirements) do as exactly has been suggested.

Create the magic effect that adds health, magic and stamina. You may require to make 3 magic effects for this for each value modifier. if you wish to avoid writing any scripts.

Create a Spell as an ability that lists the magic effect(s).

Right click each magic effect on the list and add a condition that ignores the player and follower and prey factions. Then painstakingly add this ability to every race you want (under special).

There is probably a better way but I've lost the energy to help inpatient people. I don't care how long this post has been on the forums. I'm only reading it now for the first time and reading that second post makes me not wish to help any further. So good luck with your requirements.


Just so you know this feature may not have much of an effect after a while. Because its its not leveled. Meaning once you reach a certain level the affect won't be noticeable as your character and followers will have become too powerful. Not 100% on that; but any who I got to head to work.

Edited by Teabone3
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You are complaining that nobody responded under 1 hour. If its honestly that simple why not just do it? Everyone volunteers time out of their day for modding. Most of us work full time jobs. Don't expect a response under an hour and to have it all ready to go for you.

Can you tell time? Or read? It doesn't look like you can do either if that's the way you chose to interpret all the funny marks on your screen.


Just by looking at the request, its not as simple as it may seem. You'll need to look more into how you can use keywords / factions with spell abilities. Scripting isn't that simple and that is why i try to avoid them and stick to just conditions - like mentioned above.

Except I *CAN* do all of that, and already said I could. The problem is getting a script to add the ability, which is what I asked for as I have NO IDEA how to script in Skyrim (though I can script just fine in the last four games) and I'd like this to affect every NPC *including* those from races added by the DLC and other mods, which is why the script is a requirement.


Do it yourself if its so simple and only takes an hour. Why even request it?

Because it requires basic scripting, and I can't script in Skyrim. Haven't you been paying attention?


If you want to do it the quickest way without finding the best way (which enviably may be the faster way but sorry I can't appease to your requirements) do as exactly has been suggested.


Create the magic effect that adds health, magic and stamina. You may require to make 3 magic effects for this for each value modifier. if you wish to avoid writing any scripts.


Create a Spell as an ability that lists the magic effect(s).


Right click each magic effect on the list and add a condition that ignores the player and follower and prey factions. Then painstakingly add this ability to every race you want (under special).

Yeah, already did this myself, thanks. But it doesn't affect races added by other mods, and that's the problem. That's why I wanted a small papyrus script that just adds it to everything. The ability is ready to go, and does everything I need it to, and can easily be changed to work with the script (which is just checking to see if the creature has the CreatureTypeNPC keyword) in about five minutes (not counting how painfully slow the CK is to load).


There is probably a better way but I've lost the energy to help inpatient people. I don't care how long this post has been on the forums. I'm only reading it now for the first time and reading that second post makes me not wish to help any further. So good luck with your requirements.

Ah, so it isn't that you can't read or tell time, but that you chose not to. That's so much better.


Just so you know this feature may not have much of an effect after a while. Because its its not leveled. Meaning once you reach a certain level the affect won't be noticeable as your character and followers will have become too powerful. Not 100% on that; but any who I got to head to work.

That's the point. That is, literally, the entire point. The point is to make weakling, low-level NPCs stronger, and it having a negligible effect on high-level power houses suits my purposes just fine. I chose 50 as the value because it, with my mod's other changes, gives NPCs roughly the same health, magicka and stamina as the player. Which is as fair as it's going to get.

Edited by Seattleite
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Can you tell time? Or read? It doesn't look like you can do either if that's the way you chose to interpret all the funny marks on your screen.




reasonable requests that would take considerably less than an hour


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Fantastic quote mine, T-Bone. Pointing out that a project would take less than an hour *FROM THE TIME SOMEBODY STARTS WORKING ON IT* in no way is demanding something be done within the hour. And if you weren't incredibly dense you'd understand that, but you are incredibly dense so you understand nothing.
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You can make a perk that edits health/magicka/stamina, and give the perk dynamically to actors near the player.




Basically, Quest1 finds NPC aliases and fills them with nearby NPCs who do not have the perk (or whatever conditions you have), and the aliases will have to somehow add the ability to the NPC. Quest2 restarts Quest1 every 5 seconds or whatever, letting Quest1 find new npcs.

This Uses scripts constantly though, which means less of that precious memory can be allocated to other scripts, including other mods'. Not really something I'd recommend. Personally, I think it's easier to edit 20 races and make compatibility patches than to sacrifice script memory for something "simple."

Edited by Ceruulean
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