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[Mod Request] Small player home above Raven Rock


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If I had the capacity to make mods, I would do this myself. However, I do not and that is why I come to the Nexus Modding Community seeking help.


I have no doubt in my mind that what I am requesting is not that hard to do, so I am confident that someone will make this mod.


What I am asking for is a small player home sitting in hills just above Raven Rock. I would prefer it if it is done with no-loading screen. It doesn't need all the conveniences of a normal player home (nor should it have all those conveniences, as I will explain later) , but it does needs to look livable. It needs:


A Sleeping area including a bed and some kind of storage (end table, footlocker, or wardrobe.)

A cooking eating area including a cooking pot and a barrel for food storage

A Dining area with just a table and some chairs.


and for reasons I will explain later, a desk with strongbox and a chair.


That is all.


The reason why I am requesting this is because I am planning a Skyrim let's roleplay series for my YouTube channel in where I play as a dark elf boy who lives in Solstheim just outside of Raven Rock, and at he beginning of the series he sets of to Skyrim to gain the power needed to stop the problems plaguing Solstheim which killed his parents. I will be using the Solstheim dark elf stater option of Live Another Life mod.


I was looking on the nexus for a home that my character could have been living in with his parents. It needs to be really close to Raven Rock for safety reasons since Solstheim is not set up for level 1 characters. I haven't been able to find one that is for starting characters, so that is why i cam to make this request.


my character is not going to spend along time in it (he will set out for skyrim shortly after the start), and when eventually returns to Solstheim as Dragonborn, he will not want to use it anymore. That is why it shouldn't have any of the conveniences of a normal mid to late game player home. It is just for the start of the game to help get the story off to a good start and helps as well with the character's backstory.


The reason that a desk is needed is that my character will be sitting down to right the first entry of his diary there (using the Take Notes mod.)


Anyway, I look forward to seeing what people come up with.



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