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Melilot's Melodies


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Lost Smyorga


Here's a song of lost Smyorga

That sank beneath the sea

Where we went to trade for coral and pearls

And a girl took a shine to me.


It was my first long voyage -

I was just a deckhand then -

And she was a tavern serving girl,

And still rather shy of men.


Well while my shipmates caroused and sang

And drank the tavern dry,

I sat quiet in a corner,

And somehow I caught her eye.


So one thing led to another -

I suppose it's an old, old tale -

And I spent all my time ashore with her,

Til it was time to sail.


I'd signed on for the voyage and back,

So I had to leave, you see,

But I said that I'd go back for her,

And she said she'd wait for me.


Now the wizards of Smyorga

Were powerful and bold,

And they upset the gods of the sea,

Or so the story's told,


And one dark night the sea rose up

And overwhelmed the town,

And the power and pride of Smyorga

Beneath the waves slipped down.


So when I got back to Smyorga

There was nothing but rocks and sand

Where once was a mighty city

And fertile farming land.


But I still dream of Smyorga

As Smyorga used to be -

And a girl with whom I fell in love

Who said she'd wait for me ......

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Hunting Goblins


I know where lots of goblins bide:

It's a cave but they often stand outside,

Cause they haven't got the sense to hide,

When I'm hunting goblins!


Some of the goblins stand and fight,

Some of them take to their heels in flight;

You can tell where I am by their squeals of fright,

When I'm hunting goblins!


I often cast a sleepy spell,

Then cut their throats wherever they fell:

From the Land of Nod they go straight to Hell,

When I'm hunting goblins!


I like to tidy the bodies away,

Some aren't dead, or so they say,

But I always bury them anyway,

When I'm hunting goblins!


So here's a tip for everyone:

My pastime must be best bar none,

Cause I always have such a lot of fun,

When I go hunting goblins!



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I have yet to look at your first one since I gotta run, but about your second one:


I guess I would say...it's a cute poem. I like the humor component very much as well as the rhyming. And the repetition. :) I like to read some more light-hearted poetry, especially since a lot of the poetry I've read here seems to be very "Poe" inspired.

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Enjoyed both your poems greatly. They were easy to read and yet showed talent and told a story. You have a real talent. I look forward to reading more. Kudos!
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The Flower at the Window


There was a maiden, young and comely,

Who kept a bedroom window box,

Which she weeded and she watered,

As a shepherd tends his flocks.


One day as she was gardening

A handsome knight came strolling by,

And he looked up at the window

And he caught the maiden's eye.


So he went to see her father,

But he got no joy at all,

For her father did not like him,

Bade him never more to call.


Her father didn't want her

Wed to any passing knight -

So he locked her in her bedroom,

Left her sobbing at her plight.


But our hero was resourceful,

And he knew just what to do,

And he went and got a ladder

From a nearby building crew.


He took the borrowed ladder

When the night was dark and still,

Pushed it up to the maiden's window,

And then he climbed up to the sill.


But the lovers never married

Though their love was true and fine,

For the flower at her window

Was a hungry vampire vine!


And the moral of this story

Is that love will find a way,

But if vampires are involved then

It's best to find a way by day.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Dance of Love


The dance of love has many a tune

Some last for ever, some end too soon,

Which tune they'll dance to, none may choose

Once they put on their dancing shoes.


Some tunes bring sorrow, some bring joy,

Some falter in the playing,

But which of the tunes will play for you

There is no way of saying.


Some think a long slow tune is best,

Some prefer a tune with zest;

Since you must dance the whole dance through

Be glad if the tune is right for you.


You can only hope you'll enjoy the dance,

And that it's not heart-rending:

So bow to your partner and take the chance

That there'll be a happy ending.

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They say that answered wishes are

Best wished upon a falling star:

I made a wish on a star that fell,

But what I wished for I'll not tell.


Once in a hidden leafy dell

I came upon a wishing well:

I whispered a wish into that well,

But what I wished for I'll not tell.


And I was given a magic ring,

And told to wish for anything:

I silently invoked the spell,

But what I wished for I'll not tell.


Falling star, or well, or ring,

I always wished for the self-same thing:

But I don't want to break the spell,

So what I wished for I'll not tell.


You can also make a wish

If you find a four-leaf clover,

But I'll not sing of that because

This wishing song is over!

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A Barbarian Lullaby


Hush little baby, 'tis time you were sleeping,

Don't be upset by your sisters' loud weeping;

On you falls the duty to right a great wrong,

And if you're to take vengeance, you must sleep and grow strong.


Your father, who made you your favourite rattle,

Will not be returning from yesterday's battle;

Tonight I'll be singing his funeral song,

But if you're to take vengeance, you must sleep and grow strong.


Your uncles will help you, when you are older,

To learn all the skills and the ways of a soldier,

But before you can join in the warrior throng

And go to take vengeance, you must sleep and grow strong.


You've the duty upon you, as your father's one son,

To see that the were-gild one day is won;

The way may be hard and the journey be long,

So if you're to take vengeance, you must sleep and grow strong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I Dance to Meet My Lover


I dance to meet my lover:

He greets me with a smile,

And I would have no other

His love doth me beguile.


We bring each other presents

Each seeking to surprise;

Any gift he gives to me

Is magic in my eyes


I sing a song of loving

As he embraces me;

When we are together

How blissful then are we.


I love to lie beside him

And gaze on him in sleep;

My love is like an ocean,

So vast, so wide, so deep.


And waking in the morning

To his loving touch,

I do my best to show him

That I love him oh! so much!


I dance to meet my lover

When we have been apart;

I dance to show my love for him

That's like to burst my heart.

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