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mod comments section annoyance.


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As a modder who has spent literally 4700 hours on my DLC sized mod and STILL continue working to expand and fix and update it I find it moderately annoying to answer a question dozens of times, not because I expect someone to delve through hundreds of pages if comments but because I post a link with HUGE bold colored links to my FAQ page article which people ignore, post stickies about the most common current issues, AND have a separate tech support forum thread as well as several topic specific articles that deal with the top 5 issues people have with the use if my mod. I have literally had the same question asked the very next post after having answered the question in the previous poster's post. Some couple hours or so after answering it. So yes I think some people are incredibly lazy and entitled to expect on demand answers because for me that takes time away from working on the mod to fix the problem that people post multiple times about expecting an answer.


That said I offer far above average tech support and multiple very clear avenues of finding the answer so my frustration I feel is more justified than the average modder who only posts stuff in the comments section and only pops on once in awhile. So all that said above I can understand your annoyance when it's ONLY left to the comment section to fix your issues

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There is this thing called a search engine. There is one in particular whose name has even come to be used as a vernacular word for "search the internet." If you do not know how to use the Google then you should take the time to learn. It will be a far better use of all of those wasted hours of your life you might have spent waiting for a mod author to reply to your "it duz nt work plz fix thanx" post.


And seriously, how many mods on the Nexus have 900 pages of comments? Like 10? 20 maybe?

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More importantly, if you actually start reading those 900 pages of comments then by the time you hit page 20 you should fully understand why you're being told to read first, then post. Especially for the most popular mods, there's a huge number of repeat questions. As a user you can decide to stop reading at page 10, 5, or even not to read at all. But obviously, if the mod author is answering any questions, then he or she has in fact read all 900 pages. If you got sick of reading the thread after just a few pages, imagine how the mod author feels.


It's the situation where you find the same two or three questions being posted and answered multiple times on every page that drives modders crazy.

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Just use the forum "search" function and see if someone posted similar questions before. You do know there is a little company with an URL like "google.com" is doing quite well these days...correct?


You are free to post the question to the forum (or FAQ if available) and with luck, some nicer folks will help with your issues. Or if you can self-help and search for existing posts. I am fairly certain the latter will get better result, faster.

and you are just being a condescending pr#ck.

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I am not assuming that you do not read comments, but your original post IMPLIES that you would rather just post your question and get an answer instead of looking into the problem, and other folks are jumping all over that assumption I think. Like I said in my first post, I do agree with you that it is unreasonable for a modder to expect people to read through comments to find if their question is already answered vs posting a new comment IF that modder has not provided adequate troubleshooting resources on their mod page or in their readme. I for instance get really pissed off when a question is asked that is clearly answered in my FAQ. I'm almost to the point where I am considering no longer responding to questions I have answered on the FAQ or the articles.


PetPet brings up a good point though (albeit in a rather condescending way), that the search engine of the forum is handy when you are in a post because it can search within that specific topic for the content you are looking for. So there are certainly alternatives to merely starting to read comment after comment in hopes of finding the resolution to your issue.

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I am not assuming that you do not read comments, but your original post IMPLIES that you would rather just post your question and get an answer instead of looking into the problem, and other folks are jumping all over that assumption I think. Like I said in my first post, I do agree with you that it is unreasonable for a modder to expect people to read through comments to find if their question is already answered vs posting a new comment IF that modder has not provided adequate troubleshooting resources on their mod page or in their readme. I for instance get really pissed off when a question is asked that is clearly answered in my FAQ. I'm almost to the point where I am considering no longer responding to questions I have answered on the FAQ or the articles.


PetPet brings up a good point though (albeit in a rather condescending way), that the search engine of the forum is handy when you are in a post because it can search within that specific topic for the content you are looking for. So there are certainly alternatives to merely starting to read comment after comment in hopes of finding the resolution to your issue.


sorry if i appeared agressive. 4700 hours into one mod btw is effing crazy. respect to you dude lol.

and about the search in the posts section of a mod. i wasnt aware i could do that.



if you get so annoyed with questions that are already in your faq, then maybe you could make a sticky post sayin that if you arent answering their questions. they should check the faq.

i hope that helps. trying to be helpfull and bring some much needed psoitivity into this thread lol

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There is this thing called a search engine. There is one in particular whose name has even come to be used as a vernacular word for "search the internet." If you do not know how to use the Google then you should take the time to learn. It will be a far better use of all of those wasted hours of your life you might have spent waiting for a mod author to reply to your "it duz nt work plz fix thanx" post.


And seriously, how many mods on the Nexus have 900 pages of comments? Like 10? 20 maybe?


another condesending pr#ck. btw do you know why those mods have so much comments ?

they are the most populair mods out there !!!!!! and because theyre so populair there's a high chance im using them too.

and if theres 10 or 20 mods with that much posts do you honestly believe i would read up to 18.000 pages of comments ?

especially if most of them are questions that are already asked and answered ?

this is precisely my point.


p.s. you can disagree with me. thats fine but dont expect me to roll over and like it.

and dont be such a condescending pr#ck.

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At this point I would suggest just not using mods. That seems like the most efficient solution for you. I mean that's what we're all about here, right guys? Finding the most efficient use of this one dude's time. Edited by lofgren
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