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mod comments section annoyance.


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another condesending pr#ck.


and dont be such a condescending pr#ck.


I'm wondering why the admins haven't been here yet. Ok, gives me time to explain my simple 2-step plan for dealing with such users.


Step 1: respond with "See the description / sticky post / recent post"


Step 2 (if a user should dare to respond in a way like the OP thinks he can): block him from further using my mods and threads


I owe this second step to my nerves, and to fellow modders. Oh I love Nexus for giving me this power.

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Well I'm just not sure what kind of response the OP was expecting. You come to a forum where modders hang out and ask a question that boils down to "Don't you guys agree that my time is way moreimportant than yours?" Of course people are going to be defensive and condescending. If you don't want people to be condescending to you, don't be an inconsiderate jerk to them.


Anyway, I apologize to the OP if he legitimately has no idea how Google works. Maybe he is over 90 or lives in a country where access to the internet is severely limited. I highly recommend doing some basic research on this invaluable tool, if your oppressive totalitarian government will allow it.

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Yeah if I go that route I will of course be sticking a note about it, but sadly 1/3 of folks will still not see it and post anyways lol


Let's chill folks, I know this is a nerve issue here and something both sides feel strongly about but we don't need to jump down one another's throats about it :tongue:


lets all take an example from this guy. lets all chill the f out.

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Well I'm just not sure what kind of response the OP was expecting. You come to a forum where modders hang out and ask a question that boils down to "Don't you guys agree that my time is way moreimportant than yours?" Of course people are going to be defensive and condescending. If you don't want people to be condescending to you, don't be an inconsiderate jerk to them.


Anyway, I apologize to the OP if he legitimately has no idea how Google works. Maybe he is over 90 or lives in a country where access to the internet is severely limited. I highly recommend doing some basic research on this invaluable tool, if your oppressive totalitarian government will allow it.


i will bet you my government is more tolerant and liberal than yours.

but thats not the topic of this thread. so lets be on topic here ok?

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Well I'm just not sure what kind of response the OP was expecting. You come to a forum where modders hang out and ask a question that boils down to "Don't you guys agree that my time is way moreimportant than yours?" Of course people are going to be defensive and condescending. If you don't want people to be condescending to you, don't be an inconsiderate jerk to them.


Anyway, I apologize to the OP if he legitimately has no idea how Google works. Maybe he is over 90 or lives in a country where access to the internet is severely limited. I highly recommend doing some basic research on this invaluable tool, if your oppressive totalitarian government will allow it.


this is not what my question boils down to.

this is how you interpret it.

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i think this is the last non problem related post i will ever do on this forum.

this doesnt feel like a community at all.

i was hoping to find some kindred spirits. but i see that alot of keyboard warriors arent intrested in being part of a community.



p.s. i will state now for the seconde time that i DO READ COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Honestly guy I think what you wanted here was a " come and agree with me and complain about this pet peve if mine " but instead you got nothing but folks who disagree with your point. I think your point was valid given your lack of understanding of the existence of thread searching, so by that merit I think you learned something and now have a tool that will save you a bunch of time and the modder some frustration.


I think several people on here need to watch their tone and defensiveness though because just because you disagree with someone doesn't give you a right to treat them like they are stupid any more than they have a right to call you a pr#ck for doing so.


I've been working in my mod for a year and I will say there is a rather good and active community here and a few posters here in this thread I know and have dealt with in a possitive way in the past, so it's just the context of this thread and lack of commiseration that has the OP T'd off here.

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