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Gotta be kiddin me....


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Yeah, you'll have to activate it. All you do is drop the files into your Data folder, then double-click the .exe, pretty simple from there.


Oh, and if you check out the thread about the fallout.ini (it's two threads below this one at the time of posting) I put some instructions on how to verify your game integrity cache.

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I don't think Bethesda can be blamed for this FUBAR. Since the general consensus of most NV fans is Black Isle and Obsidian made the game so great, they also bear responsibility for the borked patch. Can't have it both ways.


Can Bethesda screw things up royally and make a patch that acts like a virus? You bet they can, but at least with Bethesda players have a choice about using patches. Not so much with how NV is packaged and reliant on Steam.


The Player: "But I have my game running and working the way I want it to. I don't want it patched."


Black Isle/Obsidian/Steam: "Too eff'n bad. You'll be stealth patched whether you want it or not."


And that is exactly what they did. Good job Obsidian. :thumbsup:

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Yes, I got the wretched game working again by digging around on here and doing the verify cache , tweak ini AGAIN and reapply Archive Invalidation, but I so object to the auto patching. People keep saying you can turn off auto updates, and I have done what I have been advised to to turn them off, but STILL Steam auto updates the game.
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Just a heads up, anyone wanting to disable their auto-update:


Steam -> Library -> Games -> Right-Click Fallout NV -> Properties -> Updates -> Click the drop-down on the "Always keep this game up to date" and change it.


'Nuff said.


EDIT: Oh, and you can delete patches after you disable the Auto-update. I forget the exact instructions at the moment, but I'm sure you can find them somewhere around here.

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o_O Really? Huh... that's weird. Well, I mean, there's always the option to just delete the patch and play in offline mode.


Mine did the same, I remember disabling the updates because both Obsidian and Bethesda have such appalling QA records.

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